could anyone tell me how i can change the path for job log files? It is set to "C:\programme\computerassociates\arcserve\LOG", so every day a new 10MB file is added to that directory. I now want to change that path to drive D:("..."). But i can't find out how to do. I...
i got a solution. there was an error in my MAPISVC.INF (C:\winnt\system32\). It was a wrong file, i replaced it with the one from (german OS) c:\programme\gemeinsame dateien\system\mapi\1031\NT\. Now it works.
our Server 1: ArcServe 7, AlertManager 4.0, Windows 2000 Server, Outlook 2000 SR-1
our Server 2: Windows 2000 Server (domain), Exchange 5.5
service account for AlertManager is the domain-administrator, exchange account is administrator, too
when i try to send a test-email there is the...
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