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Search results for query: *

  1. canadatct

    There are no rows in the current fetch buffer

    I'm currently in the process of building a prototype, and I felt this was the easiest method to get things working for now. I'm fully aware that this is not the BEST method of working with a db, and I know enough about SQL Injections to properly plan for that. And George, I can assure you that...
  2. canadatct

    There are no rows in the current fetch buffer

    Here is the code that updates the db. if request.querystring("type") = "new" then rsSave.open "Table", objConn,2,2,2 else strSQL = "Select * from Table where FieldID=" & cint(request.querystring("fID")) rsSave.open strSQL, objConn,2,2,1 end if with rsSave if request.querystring("type") =...
  3. canadatct

    There are no rows in the current fetch buffer

    I am trying to update a SQL 2005 (express) table using an ADO recordset. I can't seem to nail down the exact problem here, and the error message is not overly helpful. It's the first time I've ever seen this error. "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005) There are no rows in...
  4. canadatct

    Downloading files from browser

    Clicking on the link produces a window that says "Page Cannot be Found". I might have resolved my issue though. I've added some "odd" mime types to IIS, and those files can now be downloaded.
  5. canadatct

    Downloading files from browser

    I have a website application that is being used to transfer files, where users can upload files for others to download them. My problem is that any file type that cannot be opened within the IE browser fails when trying to download/save the file. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. canadatct

    Multiple Where Conditions

    I think that will work great. I'm going to run some testing on the query to ensure that it's generating the correct results, but so far, it seems to be bang on. The query will be dynamically generated, therefore if someone was selecting 20 different training classes, and wanted to see who was...
  7. canadatct

    Multiple Where Conditions

    Thanks for the help so far. Much appreciated. I'm basically trying to retrieve all records that have either a value of "1" and a value of "2" for Field2. I think I was missing something from that query, so the logic probably doesn't make much sense (which I realize now). I have been...
  8. canadatct

    Multiple Where Conditions

    I seem to be having some difficulty with a fairly easy select statement, and I'm hoping that some other pairs of eyes might be able to help spot what I'm doing wrong. Here is my select statement: Select Field1 from Table1 where Field2 = 1 and Field2 = 2 If I was to remove one of the where...
  9. canadatct

    iFtpAddU.exe... anyone familiar??

    I've been trying to figure this thing out too......and I think I'm quite close actually. I have installed and registered the ASPEXEC server component on our webserver (which allows you to run Windows/DOS applications through ASP). With this component, I'm able to use the iFTPAddU.exe file...
  10. canadatct

    Attempting to delete records from ADO Recordset

    I'm looking for some insight on a problem I'm having with an ASP ADO Recordset. I'm trying to delete various records from an Access Database table, but I am getting some very strange results. I know the code I've written to delete the records from the database is functioning as it should...
  11. canadatct

    Strange results from DB query

    Thanks vongrunt........that did it. It's funny how you can stare at something so long and miss the most obvious things!
  12. canadatct

    Strange results from DB query

    I have been trying to use recordset.movefirst (which is actually included in this code), but it doesn't make any difference to my results. rs.open strSQL, objConn,3,2,1 if rs.eof = true then response.Write("<td class='cssError'>There are no results from your search. Please try again.") else...
  13. canadatct

    Strange results from DB query

    I am having a strange problem with a fairly simple query I am running on an Access DB. After running the query, I am populating a drop down list with the results. For some strange reason, when I loop through the results and insert each record into the <option> tags, it is skipping the very...
  14. canadatct

    ASP newbie

    If you have a copy of IIS, you will need to install that to enable ASP on your system. IIS comes with Win2K, and XP Pro, but you could use a personal web server with Win98 to accomplish this as well. If you do have IIS or PWS, ASP is free. The only cost involved (as far as I know) is the cost...
  15. canadatct

    Emailing with multiple file attachments using MAPI

    I see you are trying to trap any potential errors that could occur (On Error Resume Next), but I don't see any error handling code. I could be wrong, but at first glance that's what I see....
  16. canadatct

    Response.Redirect to a new window???

    Thanks for the replies. Basically, what I am doing is coding a login process. If the user enters the correct login information, I want to open a new window and redirect them to a different page. If the login fails, I don't want to open a new window. They will then be redirected back to the...
  17. canadatct

    Response.Redirect to a new window???

    Is it possible to use Response.Redirect and open a new window?
  18. canadatct

    Actual dimensions for a string of text

    I am fetching information from an Access DB and populating this data to a Word doc. The data is for a hard cover phone directory of over 30,000 people. I am formatting the word document on the fly from within VB, but I am having trouble with one crucial measurement. I need to find a way to...
  19. canadatct

    newbie question

    declare either a public integer variable in a module, or a form level integer variable (in the General Declarations section of the code view)in your Login form, such as intCounter. Use this variable to count the number of times the user has incorrectly logged in. Each time the user enters...
  20. canadatct

    New wireless connection driving me nuts!!!!

    bcastner, Thanks for the URL's, but I have found the source of the problem. The firmware that was released with the router has since been upgraded. One of the main fixes in the new version was the unreliability of FTP connections in the original version! I've upgraded the firmware, and...

Part and Inventory Search
