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Search results for query: *

  1. warchyld

    Play sound on form submit

    Great link - Thanks!
  2. warchyld

    Play sound on form submit

    I have a very simple form built in Flash 9 that submits to a php script. (used for scanning barcodes into a database). Everything works fine except I need it to play a sound when the form is submitted (the only reason I'm using a Flash form). Could anybody point me in the direction on...
  3. warchyld

    Report in browser - complete beginner question

    So using the supplied Crystal ASP files I should be able to do something as simple as my example? I actually did try a real report first, and got nothing (just the blank ActiveX viewer window - no report) so I wanted to try just a blank report, to see if it was perhaps a connection problem...
  4. warchyld

    Report in browser - complete beginner question

    Hello, Complete beginner here with ASP, so forgive me. What I'm looking to do is display 1 or 2 reports in a web browser. I have Crystal 9, with the RAS but no prior knowledge of ASP, and the powers that be don't want to shell out the cash for full blown Enterprise. I read that I could have...
  5. warchyld

    New Install Problem - Not reading ini

    I got this to work - I'm an airhead. When I added the registry key for IniFilePath I set it to just c:\windows It needs to be c:\windows\php.ini It still doesn't explain why it wouldn't work without the registry key to begin with (Never needed it for PHP4, and I tried PHP5.0.4 on a Win2000 box...
  6. warchyld

    New Install Problem - Not reading ini

    Yep, Restarted web server, and I've even done multiple reboots on the box itself. I also tried using the php.ini-dist instead - Same results - It just doesn't want to use the ini file. I've also checked permissions on the ini file - all seems normal there.
  7. warchyld

    New Install Problem - Not reading ini

    phpinfo() does indicate that it's reading from the windows directory. This is pretty frustrating - All I've done, is take the php.ini-recommended file, rename it php.ini drop in my SMTP address and it just doesn't want to read my ini file. I'll try starting from the php.ini-dist file and see if...
  8. warchyld

    New Install Problem - Not reading ini

    Hello - Trying to upgrade from PHP4 to PHP5.0.4 on a Win2003/IIS6 box and having a problem getting it to read my php.ini file. PHP is running - phpinfo() returns the info page. However, I am specifying my SMTP server in my INI file, and I also have display errors=off, BUT when I try to run my...
  9. warchyld

    OS X (Panther) Network Browser Question

    Ahhh - So they're picking up another computer that's declared itself a master browser. Any ideas on how to figure out what the Mac's are using for their browser, or is there a way to force them to look at the DC instead of searching for a browser?
  10. warchyld

    OS X (Panther) Network Browser Question

    It's when I try to browse my Win2K domain from the OSX machines. After doing some hunting I've found this thread - it seems like there's been some network browse problems ever since Panther came out, but it doesn't look like it's ever been really fixed...
  11. warchyld

    OS X (Panther) Network Browser Question

    Greetings, I have an annoying little problem - not major, but it's gotten under my skin. I have a Win2K AD Domain, that has a few OSX machines on it. On any of the Macs if I go to Go->Connect to Server and then Browse the domain only a couple of the computers (out of about 50) show up in the...
  12. warchyld

    User cannot access 2003 server from his Mac

    If your user is on OS9 and you have Mac Services installed on the server you might want to try MS UAM (User Authentication Module) on the Mac. You can download from: http://www.microsoft.com/mac/otherproducts/otherproducts.aspx?pid=windows2000sfm I had problems with a Win2K3 server and an OS9...
  13. warchyld

    Quark 5 in OS X: Corrupted file

    Do you get the old Bad File Format error? If that's the case then this tool may help: http://www.markzware.com/markztools/ I've seen this a couple times - If you search Quark's for corrupt file or Bad file format you should find some help. They have some method where you have to open windows...
  14. warchyld

    Outlook Express os OS 9 times out receiving

    I have a person using several OS 9 machines with Outlook Express on our network. It was working fine up until last week when they stopped receiving mail. They can send fine, but receiving just times out. Their mail provider tells them they didn't change anything. I can set up the same...
  15. warchyld

    Simple form via email not working

    That did the trick. Thanks very much sleipnir!
  16. warchyld

    Simple form via email not working

    Greetings, I have a simple contact form that is currently running on a Win2k/IIS 5.1 box correctly. I'm trying to move it to a Win2K3 IIS6 box without luck. When I send the form on the IIS6 box it does send an email, but it's not sending any of the variables - only the static content. i.e...

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