we sometimes get this error msg when the backup job is not finished on the server in the morning. Reboot the server to check if the problem comes from the server. If not, reboot the PC to check if it comes from the PC.
Our DB are now too large (400 to 600 Mb) or the xSeries 235 server is too...
Thanks for the explanation, but I disagree : when I launch Designer, I see $Inbox as a folder, not a view...
I am using Notes 5.09
I sometimes do some compact or fixup but it takes too much time because the server is busy and the mail databases have an average of 200Mb to 400Mb, a few go to...
I manage a Domino 5.08 server and 180 users. Since a while, every day a few users cannot see the mails in the $Inbox folder : it's empty or unreachable (you click on it and the focus goes to the following folder). But the mails are still in the $All view.
It looks like a virus...
Generally, I...
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