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  1. arielap

    VFP intellisense and windows 7

    Intellisense problem now solved. I changed the Foxuser file on the Win 7 machine to one from one of my XP machines - and the shortcuts are back. Many thanks to everyone
  2. arielap

    VFP intellisense and windows 7

    thanks - Doug Hennings paper now downloaded (34 pages will take a bit of time to read) meanwhile I'll try playing with the Foxcode table, tried re-installing already. But I've found another problem now - trace doesn't work! I'm not too bothered by security on this. I'm the only Foxpro...
  3. arielap

    VFP intellisense and windows 7

    Trying to use VFP 7 under Windows 7 to update an app. Problems! VFP doesn't load intellisense any more so many of my shortcuts just don't work a RUN command (specifically RUN "EXAMDIFF.EXE") just generates an error Both are fine on my XP notebooks. Is there a solution please?
  4. arielap

    copy selected field content activates page-up

    Interesting - thanks. I'm always surprisised at what Fox and a bit (lot?) of programming can get done with data
  5. arielap

    copy selected field content activates page-up

    >>I was not suggesting Win API :)<< So far I'd always got away with simple keystrokes, just changing the few non-intuitive ones if the keycode clashed, but it's good not to have those limitation. The program also has to run on the on-call technician's netbook - slightly different keyboard...
  6. arielap

    copy selected field content activates page-up

    Pass - don't think I'll need that thanks - think I can manage with what I've just learned - for which many thanks again. The ^C / PgDn clash was the first (and I hope now last) time I'd met a problem with keystrokes - and I've been with Fox since before MS bought it ariela
  7. arielap

    copy selected field content activates page-up

    >>it's better to test for nKeyCode in conjunction with a specific nShiftAltCtrl value. << Thanks - I'll check the other keystrokes now, though everything except ^C worked as expected. As you say "implicitly" - it is understandable once you know. Maybe later versions of VFP than mine are more...
  8. arielap

    copy selected field content activates page-up

    >> test for nKEyCode = 3 AND nShiftAltCtrl=0, which means no such modifier key is pressed together with PageDn.<< That worked perfectly - The lab boys & girls will be much happier now, with keystrokes that do what they're used to And I've learnt something new (after 20 odd years of Fox) thank...
  9. arielap

    copy selected field content activates page-up

    >>I don't understand why Ctrl+C is causing a page down within the grid. In MS-DOS, the PdDown key generated the same key code as Ctrl+C << and still does in VFox. I think Olav's last post has provided the solution.
  10. arielap

    copy selected field content activates page-up

    >>do you have Keypress Event code, which calls NODEFAULT in cae of the keycode for PageDn? << Yes I've never looked into the nShiftAltCtrl parameter. How would I code for it? the current bit of the Keypress is if nKeyCode=3 && PgDn nodefault if this.pageframe1.activepage=1 && go to P2...
  11. arielap

    copy selected field content activates page-up

    >> You need either to use _MED_COPY in the menu bar<< I did, and assigned ctrl C as the shortcut key label but pressing Ctrl C, even after R-clicking for the shortcut menu, still just pages down to the next page. Cut & Paste work normally & the users prefer the familiar keystrokes. (cut isn't...
  12. arielap

    copy selected field content activates page-up

    Answer was bit of both. Created a shortcut menu with just Copy and called it from the R-click method of the field that needs that capability. So it's just R-click C to copy selected - near enough to Ctrl C to keep the users happy. (Paste still works as usual in the EXE) Now is there a simple...
  13. arielap

    copy selected field content activates page-up

    Thanks both. I'll go with Oleg for this app - This is the only field where ctrlC/V is wanted OR allowed
  14. arielap

    copy selected field content activates page-up

    This form has a 3 page pageframe; each page containing a grid. The pageup/down keys move between pages. Keypreview =.t. The users want to be able to select part of a grid field and copy the selected text to another field (on the same page). In development mode this works prefectly well - ie...
  15. arielap

    shrinking debugging windows

    Thanks gentlemen. Looks as though I have to stay with Mike on this one. What I do atm is to keep a 50 record 'base' foxuser in a non-Fox folder(H:\). This just has my working enviroment as I want it. I also have the following lines at the top of my Command.PRG set reso off !copy...
  16. arielap

    shrinking debugging windows

    I mostly work on a small notebook so debug environment is set to Foxpro frame. On starting VFP and setting breakpoints, the trace and watch windows are the size and position I make them, and initally behave as expected. But after a while (and a few errors - I'm a poor typist) the watch window...
  17. arielap

    drag/drop edit box over grid

    Thanks - I'll play when time permits.
  18. arielap

    drag/drop edit box over grid

    They are called with 'DO FORM .. and all forms except pick-lists need to be writable to. What is shown depends on a variety of conditions and most are linked to other forms or PDF files. The app is used by a (human) transplant unit, mainly dealing with immunology and donor/recipient...
  19. arielap

    drag/drop edit box over grid

    >>just make sure the form with the grid is nonmodal<< tried that (and with the edit form non-modal and on top) but predictably the grid form flashes off as soon as called. I should explain that this only part of a larger app. The form with the grids (CYTO) is called via a submenu of options...
  20. arielap

    drag/drop edit box over grid

    Using a second form for the memo data works fine for dragging the 'edit-box' over the underlying grid. But it has to be actively dismissed before the users can use the scrollbars or add/edit data in the grids on the underlying screen, - which they want to do with the contents of the memo field...

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