This is working fine in an application I've written, only thing I can think of is namespaces. I'm using these -
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
You can add a combo box (or checkbox etc) dynamically to a data grid by adding the combobox to the textbox that is present by default.
Try this -
DataGridTextBoxColumn dgTextBox = (DataGridTextBoxColumn)dgdDataGrid.TableStyles[0].GridColumnStyles[0];
Hi Jay,
Have tried another machine/modem, same thing. The actual connection is working fine, on any modem. The problem is a specific site that uses java to connect to a secure server, it's the secure login that fails.
Works outside on a normal analogue connection but not on site over the...
Thanks Jay.
1 - No clock slip
2 - Yes
3 - Yes
It seems that the internet connection is made, but connection to our jserver for applet download is the source of the failure. The internet connection stays up, just the jserver connection drops. Other internet stuff works fine.
It's a laptop...
First of all, the previous reply from brainfunk says it all.
ME was Windows98SE with prettier icons. It's garbage and you should throw it away.
Reinstalling with the restore disk will destroy your dual boot settings and you'll have to reinstall XP as well, so your best bet is use the ME cd to...
A client of mine needs to make an analogue internet connection, the modem will dial and begin handshake, handshake fails and line is dropped.
Don't know what to do, can anyone suggest anything?
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