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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. Michali

    Crystl Reports Selection Formula and VB6

    Hello I am working on Seagete Crystal Reports 8.0 and trying to exec a report via VB 6.0 (yes, some of us are still working on that..) I am getting this error message: "Error in File D:\xxx.RPT: Error in formula <Record_Selection>. ' ' The remaining text does not appear to be part of the...
  2. Michali

    converting exists clause to crystal reports

    to paulmarr thank u. i have spelled it right in my report in the record selection formula. finally i changed my view in the DB. naturally it works fine now.
  3. Michali

    converting exists clause to crystal reports

    Hello all I have tried to exec a report with this record selection formula - it doesn’t accept "exists". Any solution will by helpful. F_STRUCTURE.LIFE_STEP_ID} = 1 and {F_STRUCTURE.STRUCTURE_STATUS} = 1 AND exsists (select 1 from F_BUILDING where {F_STRUCTURE.INT_STRUCTURE_KEY} =...
  4. Michali

    cant get page breake address write

    Hi Skip your code looks fine only i am having a diffrent problem. first my pagebreaks are in a pivot table, wich means i'm not sure i can insert conditional formating and certanly i can not insert sings as ~. second what happens is that pagebreakes that comes becase i fixed a page break at the...
  5. Michali

    cant get page breake address write

    thank u Skip but unfortunally it dosent work. any other sugestions?
  6. Michali

    cant get page breake address write

    hello all i am using this code to get the pagebreake location so i can put a border line at the end of each page (until row 100): For j = 1 To ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks.Count If ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks(j).Location.Row < 100 Then i = ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks(j).Location.Row...
  7. Michali

    pls help - exporting cr report from web to excel

    pls help i am working on cr ver 8.0. i have a report that i show on a web site. every thing is going well untill i try to export to exl. i was able to export until a point when i started to reciev this message: "CRAXDRT Error Occured on Server. -2147190908 : Failed to export the report." on...
  8. Michali

    exporting a report to excel file

    Hello All i have a cr9 report opend in an ASP page. i want to import it to excel 7.0 (extand)format (or excel 5.0 extand) witch is avalable in the design but not on the browzer. any ideas? thank you
  9. Michali

    pivot table + merge lables + print

    hello tony is there any way to sned u an example?
  10. Michali

    pivot table + merge lables + print

    thank you tony BUT we have a very complexed pivot table. where not all row are with the same hight. so to have all lables shown and to have all rows the same hight we merged lables, and now we can not print it. if you have any sugestion for having it all (all labels shown and all rows same...
  11. Michali

    pivot table + merge lables + print

    hello we have a pivot table which is very long. when we merge cells printing causes an error and excel is closed. we r working on excel 2000. any sugestions? thankx
  12. Michali

    excell 2000 inserting data from recordset

    hello all i am tring to insert a recordset numeric data from vb to a sheet in ecxell 2000 . for some resone i am gettin a comma (') in evry numeric cell therfore i cant make any calculations or other manipulations on my data in the excell workbook. any help? thank you michal
  13. Michali

    pivot table - printing all details

    hello all how can i print all details even if some of them are not seen. they are not hide - i have 2 parameters in a higher level . thank you michal
  14. Michali

    running a macro from vb code

    hello all i am trying to run an auto_open procdure from a vb6 code how can i do it? thank you
  15. Michali

    Set the report-zoom from ASP page

    Does somebody know how can I set the report zoom when I come from ASP page? It sometimes show &quot;100%&quot; in the ZoomControl, but still looks very small and I have to change it manualy to bring it to a normal size.
  16. Michali

    odbc based report and web application

    hello all i can not show a report based on ODBC from an asp page any sugestions
  17. Michali

    tota page count

    hello i am using cr 8.5 calling to the report form an asp page. i am using the field &quot;page n of m&quot; but when the report is up on hte screen i get for example :page 1 of 4,444,444. when i jump to the last record this is fixed but how can i make it be ok in the first place?
  18. Michali

    passing selection formula to sub report

    thank you but how can i use the same selection formula if i am sending it from an asp page?
  19. Michali

    passing selection formula to sub report

    hello i am using cr ver 8.5 how can i pass selection formula to subreport thank u all michal
  20. Michali

    Total Grand and page header

    Hello i am working on cr ver 8.5 i am building a table where the table header is in the page header. sometimes the grand total of the report (outside of the table)is on a new page so i am getting the table header with no table content and the grand total. how can i make a new page with a blank...

Part and Inventory Search
