the posititionig is not perfect. it needs to be in the vertical middle. thats whats bringing my bread out of the bread maker (NO CRUST) it does work but i'm not happy - look where it is - not in the right place - it needs to be IN THE MIDDLE. sory for shouting peeeps but i'm one plate short of a...
sorry - i should have told you - i removed the offending articles for testing - what i was trying to say is that the position they are now needs nudging down - if i apply the positioning it goes monkey spanner.
So what you are seeing is the css tags without the formatting applied!
hi there,
Im relatavley new to css and im wondering if anyone can help with a problem.
I am trying to position a series of links on a nav bar - but when i use the "position:absolute;top:150px"
selectors applied to a div named #navbar - Ie will display them different to firefox - as in bunched up...
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