How do you get ssrs conditional running values that only include items that have Shipped.Value = True
=IIF(Fields!Shipped.Value = True, RunningValue(Fields!Order_Amount.Value, Sum, "Group1"), RunningValue(Fields!Order_Amount.Value,0 , "Group1"))
Still does not work, as it includes Both True...
When including an SSRS subreport I have found that it interferes with the column formats in the main report in SSRS. How does one get around that. Crystal by comparison does not have this problem
How do you publish a CR9 report using CR9 Enterprise Manager or Reports Publiser and set the Allow Modify Report option so runtime users can modify Select, Sort, etc, before running a report
How can you add the results of two $amount Oracle subquery fields together using their AS subquery column names
I get invalid column name errors when I try to reuse and add them together using the subquery results AS column names lower down in the main SQL script, although they display OK...
I had a similar problem on a stacked bar chart, and if you display the values on each bar, you can double click on a value and use right mouse to change its font but you can't suppress zero in CR11
How can one zero suppress bar chart 0 values in CR 11.
I am using a stacked horizontal bar chart with custom green, yellow, and red bars for each value. But some values are 0 and if I dbl click on the data label value field, there is a font change menu dropdown option but no zero suppression...
Ref your note: There is a report option to substitute "default" for any null value in the database. In recent versions of Crystal this convert nulls to default flag appears in File Report options for the existing report, and in File Options Reporting for all new reports.
When these flags are...
I found out that you can double click right on a data label or axis label on a chart, and then do right mouse and bring up a box that lets you increase the size of the font on the label, etc.
How to increase size of data labels on CR11 bar charts.
I am using a CR11 horizontal stacked %bar chart with data labels on each part of the bar. But the labels are so small you can hardly see them, and I only see a flag to Show Data Labels, under Chart Options / Data Labels.
Good Luck on your service pack fix. I know of another company I recently worked for on a contract that got a sfix for their CR10 excel export probs by applying a service pack / patch.
I have found that Crystal 10 only has 2 Excel export options, one that does a formatted word type doc, which sounds like what you are using, and a very basic simple data only excel export.
Crystal 11 has greatly expanded standard excel format and data only excel exports with many optional...
Have you looked at using DrillDownGroupLevel to decide when to print pages for various drill down levels
DrillDownGroupLevel -- Returns a number that indicates the group level of the current drill down view, or 0 if it is not a drill down view.
If a report has groups on Country and...
Will Crystal 9/10 Add Command speed up report record selection, and will it be run on the server.
My understanding is:
Crystal treats Add Command as if it was running on a View or Stored Procedure. And so this should improve processing time vs selecting from tables in a report selection...
When we had problems with text exports getting cut off in Crystal 7.0 and 8.5 at my old company we had to go back to the Crystal 6 -- u2ftext.dll vers = 08/28/1997, and it did not cut off our text exports that had trailing spaces for example, which was happening in 7.0 and 8.5.
When we...
Assuming that you have the parameter defined in the main report, let's say it is {?period}.
Then you can create the same parameter in the subreport, and add it to your subreport record selection formula, and then link the two parameters together, using Change Subreport Links.
In the subreport...
We are running CR10 / CE10 on a DB2 / UDB database on a backend Unix system, from an NT client.
Our local CR10 Report Designer environment uses ODBC and the CE10 backend uses DB2 drivers.
CR10 Report Designer interprets the DB2 / UDB String fields as TWICE as long as the db says they are...
We found that we had to Trim all the String Fields in Crystal before we ran the report on The DB2/UDB database as Crystal was seeing the string fields as twice the length that they were in the db.
Now the report runs a long time (many minutes) in CE10, where it only takes a few seconds in CR 10...
I tried your suggestion and the field we are trying to group on does not print in CE10 when it is put in the detail line. But it does print in CR10.
So it appears to be a field access problem?
Our runtime is on a DB2 / UDB database on a Unix system.
We have found that we are not able to run CR10 reports containing groups on CE10 Enterprise Manager even though we can run these same reports in the Crystal Report 10 design tool all day.
We keep getting an Invalid Group error in Crystal Enterprise 10, when a report containing group(s) is...
How do you pass Crystal 10 parameters to subreports.
I would like to pass a Fiscal Period parameter from my main report to a Payable To Date Subreport, so the S/R knows which Fiscal Period to use when it selects records, but Crystal won't let you use a Shared Variable containing a parameter in...
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