To make things simple, just ask your users to use their ISP's SMTP server to send mail. There is no point to send mails from their ISP's network through your mail server.
STMap is a mapping software work with TrestLink for Windows 4.X, 5.X
It's a powerful development tool to produce maps to automate the data translation between your trading partners.
I've attended a mapping class in Harbinger and the classmate formed a user group for this mapping software at...
The IDE.DSK disk driver of 3.12 can only support a partition below 8Gb. The ISADISK.DSK can be able to access partition over 8Gb. However, just to use the ISADISK.DSK driver is only a workaround at the moment and it's NOT a desirable installation. You should apply all the necessary patches to...
Hi there,
How could you solve your problem?
We're going to re-build our 3.12 on a new PC with two 30Gb ATA-100 IDE Hard Disks. Do you have any advice? Thanks!
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