I have been trying to run the db utilitied for Arcserve 2000 for about a week. The erros I get are as follows.
unable to open directory for database dbfix_t repairing process for database has been prematuraly terminated due to : internal dbrepair error:-6003.
Unable to start database...
I have been trying to run the db utilitied for Arcserve 2000 for about a week. The erros I get are as follows.
unable to open directory for database dbfix_t repairing process for database has been prematuraly terminated due to : internal dbrepair error:-6003.
Unable to start database...
I recieved this error today after backing up my SQL server. There are 14 databases on this server. I recieve this error on only one of the 14. I have tried useing the Win2k Agent as well as an over the network backup both return tha same error on the same database. I did do a restore of the...
The arcserve.log file is getting large and the partition I have arcserve installed on is getting low on disk space. How can reduce the size of this file?
I have tried your suggestions. I now get an E8603 error failed to write to database. I must change the name of the database. I used the agent options to do this and the the destenation I went throught the network found the SQL server and chose the agent and clicked on the SQL icon and added...
I am trying to restore a SQL 2000 database. I am running Arcserve 2000 sp3 and the AS2000 backup agent for MS SQL 2000. When I attempt to do the restore I get the following error. E8601 cannot connect to agent ec=agent does not exsit. I ahve verified the the serice is running on the SQL...
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