Thanks a lot for all of your replies.
Until now my questions intended to help a colleague in using a c-dll written by another colleague. Because he wasn't able to do this I will now try it by myself. I have used the dll from different programming languages and environments already (so it's sure...
yes, I get a debug print which tells that the function is entered.
For example, if I call a function startSession of the dll the dll returns the number of started sessions. So if I call it a few times I should get these values:
But instead I get (using pic9(9) comp-5):
If I use, let's say a dll example.dll which exports a function called exampleFunction with one parameter input and a integer result the declaration of this function in VB should look like:
Private Declare Function exampleFunction Lib "example.dll" _
(ByVal input As Long) As Long
Which datatype do I have to use if I want the same behaviour as datatype "Long" in Visual Basic?
I have a c-dll which does something with this Long, if I call it from VB it works, if I call it from MF Cobol with pic 9(9) comp-5 it doesn't work.
Thanks for any help
thanks for the immediate response.
I've already got a .dll file which exports the needed functions. It is called from different environments, for example Smalltalk and VisualBasic. In all these environments you have to import the function with name of the .dll file and the name of the...
just read your answer in search how to call a c-dll from cobol. How do you specify the name of the dll which exports FillMyCobolConstants? Is it in the "...-section" of your listing?
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