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Search results for query: *

  1. NewGuy


    What about doing the TRIM$(hostname) after you have done the replace () command. The trim may not be working since there was a vbnullcar at the end and could not trim it. Just a thought?????
  2. NewGuy

    Why do VB-compiled apps disappear?

    If I understand Windows XP correctly If you go in and kill the "EXPLORER" process then that is the desktop you are killing. And when it restarts automatically it might not show buttons for previously running apps. Maybe you should kill "Applications" and leave the "Explorer" process alone...
  3. NewGuy

    SQL-DELETE Query VB5 / Access 97

    Maybe you need to change the line to: datStockReorder.RecordSet.Refresh
  4. NewGuy

    Fixing memory leak

    Only use "Set <variable> = nothing" when you are all done with it. The reason is that setting a variable to nothing completely wipes out the contents of the variable. This is what I understand. I hope it helps. Maybe someone else wants to step in and add comments???
  5. NewGuy

    Fixing memory leak

    I am not an expert but from what I have read I think the answer is: If you use the keyword "SET" to for a variable then make sure to do the Set <var> = Nothing.
  6. NewGuy

    ON Error Resume Next Vs GoTo 0

    At the risk of getting grumppy here, if you have VB6 try this: Code 1: On error resume Next Error 5 Code 2: On error goto 0 Error 5 Code 1 will not produce any error messages. Code 2 will pop up a big ugly error that scares users of programs. Take my word for this I am developing a vb6...
  7. NewGuy

    ON Error Resume Next Vs GoTo 0

    Resume next = ignore the error. Goto 0 = make the program show a big ugly error message.
  8. NewGuy

    Need Help, Please!

    Thank you to both BJD4JC and AMACYCLELOONY. The code from BJD4JC works perfectly and allows me to have the program work the way I want it to. Very, Very Much EXTREMELY Appreciated. This thread is now CLOSED!
  9. NewGuy

    Need Help, Please!

    I had just started looking at other controls beside a textbox. Mask Edit Control looks like what I need. If not for a bad headache all morning, I would have thought of that sooner.
  10. NewGuy

    Need Help, Please!

    Thanks for the idea. But to be honest, not what I was hoping for.
  11. NewGuy

    Need Help, Please!

    Sorry to be picky but, the input is a Telephone Number specifically. So the best thing is probably for me to "SOMEHOW" test it after the user does the entry.
  12. NewGuy

    Need Help, Please!

    I have tried to search Google and Search this site with no luck. My problem is, I have a very simple data-entry form with a date and a textbox to enter a telephone number into. I want to do tests to ensure a number is entered and not text like "hi there". I was thinking "REGEXP" but it keeps...
  13. NewGuy

    Error while printing a Text File

    It has been a while since I have played with dos, HOWEVER: I think if you use a single PERCENT sign it works at the command prompt. BUT, in a batch file you need to use TWO Percent Signs. Try to in the batch file and advise us if this helps.
  14. NewGuy

    Empty Date Field Problem

    Am I correct that you tried: if not isnull(txtFirstDate.text) then Maybe change it to something like this: if (not isnull(txtFirstDate.text)) or Len(txtFirstDate.text))>0 then That way if the "Not isnull" does not trap it the len>0 should. Please try that and maybe it will help.
  15. NewGuy

    Empty Date Field Problem

    If you check "RoyVidar"'s code you see: strsql=strsql & "firstdate, " Note the Comma and Space! This code: strsql=mid$(strsql,1, len(strsql)-1) & ")" Needs to be: strsql=mid$(strsql,1, len(strsql)-2) & ")" That will remove the Comma and the SPACE!
  16. NewGuy

    Dynamic MDIForm Background

    Well, Ok "STRONGM". Kind of a short message "Perfectly feasible". Is there any chance you might have any idea how I would start doing some code for this. I appreciate your answer but was hoping for some more information that would be helpful.
  17. NewGuy

    Dynamic MDIForm Background

    They want to have the DataBase Name in the middle if the MDI Parent and have it at 38 point font size. The reason is many people use the program and they use the same ini. Therefore, when anyone goes in they will no and not have to read the tiny print that is on the statusbar. I might be able...
  18. NewGuy

    Dynamic MDIForm Background

    Thanx, Zemp. But.... The only problem with your suggestion is that the info to be displayed is something that can be changed. Like the filename of a MS-Word document. So that could not be done unless I can create a bitmap of just text as the program is running.
  19. NewGuy

    Dynamic MDIForm Background

    UPDATE: I managed to use a MDIChild to do what I want. If anyone has a really cool/neat/good way of doing what I originally wanted please post it. Thank you....
  20. NewGuy

    Dynamic MDIForm Background

    I am working on a VB6 MDI project and have a difficult task to accomplish. The users want to have some text show up on the background of MDIForm1. When there is no form showing the text will be visible. Where there is a form being displayed the text would be beneath the form not on top of it...

Part and Inventory Search
