Checkai, your solution works, despite I get all the records.
I know there is a method of return the first n records based on the value of one column. It is not top most, but I don´t remember.
Thank you
I have a select with a count and a group by.
I need do filter the rows returned to those that have the top 10 biggeste values in the count column. Top 10 only gives the 10 first returned records, and that is not what i need.
thank you
I´m making an HTTP Post (using msxml package: CreateObject("msxml2.ServerXMLHttp")) to an asp page.
This asp page returns a string with client side javascript code.
I would like to execute this code on the client. Is this possible?
I dont´want to use response.write, because I dont´want to...
I made something like that, however, I think it must exist one simple way of doing that. if XML works with those characters, any class that works with XML shoul interpret that correctly...
Thank you
I figure it out. Setup.exe accepts the parameter "/s" for a silent install. One can pass a destination log file, to log any error during the install.
setup.exe /s file_to_log.log
However, the silent install could not be absolutly silent, because sometimes you can get a warning message...
Executing a FOR XML clause into SQL Server 2000, returns XML. However all the characters ">" and "<" are represented with codes like "<" and ">". If I then try to load this XML with Microsoft parser (xml.xmldocument.loadXML(), for instance), I will receive an error. IT seems the parser...
I´m using XMLDocument from dotnet classes. It seems xml is case sensitive to this class. Is it possible to change this behavior?
If not, what is the best method to transform all the elements in uppercase?
Thank you
Can someone tell me if it is possible to obtain de current url from an active aspx.
Note thar server variables is not capable of give what I want because the same page can be loaded
from diferent directories (and so, differente urls)
Thank you
I nedd to use a COM component using .Net. The function I need to call returns an ADO recordset. I cannt change the COM. What is the best way to receive that recodset? Making a reference in my project to the ADO library and creating an ADO recordset object? Or is it possible to use an...
Thank you for your help, but I´m not understanding how can I solve my problem. The soap message my client receives can´t have does "%lt;" and ">", because I´m loading that message to xml using the loadxml method of the MSXML2.DOMDocument object. With does characters xml will not load.
My web service is been calling with a soap message. The response is a sopar message where it is attached the return of my web service function. I´m returning something like this: <Test></Teste>. The problem is that, in the response soap message the characters "<" and ">" are being send like...
Im creating a web service. The web service is working. However I would like to debug it. However when I try to debug it I get an erro messages saying that:
The common language runtime was unable to set the breakpoint.
Any ideias? I alredy try to put the breackpoint in other lines of...
I have a funtion that receives an html object tag(<object id ='test'>). I would like to use it as a standard html control. So I make a innerhtml of it to a <div> tag.
However it seems I cannot use it. For instance the following code will give an error:
Can someone tell me if is possible to use a Activex Control on a page using "CreateObject function, instead of the tag <OBJECT id=Test>. Or do I have always to use this tag.
Thank you
Another question invoking a web service.
I´m sending an http-post message to a web service like this:
<form method=POST action='http://localhost/Test_web/MakeSomething.asmx/Test'>
<input type="text" size="5" name='str_name'\"></td> =
<input type=submit value="Test">...
I´m trying to access a web service via http-get like this:
Test = is the name of the method (doesn´t have any parameters)
So, I´m trying to execute my web method. However I´m getting this error:
Request format is unrecognized
Any ideias...
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