I have outlook express 6.0 installed and my e-mails where displaying images perfectly fine, but today they are displayed as a box with a big red X in the middle. I looked in microsoft's website and there is nothing helpful..any ideas?
This is what the problem is: DMax is NOT WORKING. I get the same invoice number, over and over again like this:
For Example: For three invoices created in June 2003:
Last Invoice Number:
I want to compare them...
Ok, I got that to work. However, I don't see the connection. Example: I get "RPI03060001" for lastInvoice number and "RPI03060002" for NewInvoiceNumber. But how do I compare them...?
Sorry I forgot to mention, I am using Access 2000. And obviously need help "translating" my ideas into VBA.. The concept is what I typed, but my experience with VBA is far too limited to understand how to create a counter and use its values for one of my fields...Please try to help...
I have the following problem:
(Summary)-- I need to know who to create a counter to count how many invoices were created in a specific month and add (Contatinate) this number to the end of my current invoice number in the following way: for the first invoice: RPI0306001, second, RPI0306002...
I have an excel document which calculates my invoices. and I want to transfer everything to Access, but I have the following problem. When I try to calculate a field using the expression builder on my query I don't get any answers. I tried many ways and nothing works. An example of what I...
Thanks...Sorry this problem is just been bugging me because I can't solve it :( But I downloaded the pack and I want now I'm going to see if I can make this thing work for me.. :)
And I'm sorry..
Hello everyone...
I was wondering: is there a way to make my Access Databases available to other people without MS Access on their computers? If there is please let me know. I really need to do this and I've trying for at least three weeks to look for an alternative and Have had not luck...
I really need to make a few databases available to my co-workers, but none of them have Microsoft Access. I have a book here that teaches you how to do this but it uses MS Access 97 and I have 2000 on my PC. The problem is that Visual(6.0, Pro) doesn't recognize my database as a valid one and...
Ok, let me clarify my request. What I need help with is:
Writing a program so that people on other computers (without Microsoft Access)can use my forms and databases...is that possible?
Hello Everyone!!
I have 10 Access Databases and I just realized I will have to convert them to VB. However, doing so could be harder than starting from Scratch...(or so I've heard)...Therefore, I want ot get a general idea as of how do I create a database in VB?
If someone could provide me with...
Here is my problem:
I have 2 Access databases finished. But I need to transfer them into a 2 corresponding Microsoft Word templates. (Which were already created). I need each field to conrespond: for example on my Access database I has:
Job Number
on the word template I have...
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