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Search results for query: *

  1. weezy6902

    Button to ping whats in a field

    sendkeys cool at least thats a start for me to look into!
  2. weezy6902

    Button to ping whats in a field

    well thanks for the reply at lease. I was hoping someone has done this already and may have more detailed info as to exactly how i scrape whatever data from a field and use it in a command.
  3. weezy6902

    Button to ping whats in a field

    Hey guys, Im sure you know how to do this so I am asking for your help. I have an inventory form I put together and it has a field where the user can input the computer machine name in. I want to add a button that will start a ping in a command prompt so that the user will be able to verify the...
  4. weezy6902

    output results of "RM" command

    well if i knew how i would do that... Im very green on the subject of scripting so forgive me. Would this be a if exists type thing? I would totally do that if known how then write a line to a txt file. If you have any ideas let me know... Thanks
  5. weezy6902

    output results of "RM" command

    yeha i use the stdout method but when using the "rm" command it doesnt pipe anything out to the txt file. I think im gonna have to find a small file to do a fake copy to so that it errors out when not seeing the file. sucks...
  6. weezy6902

    output results of "RM" command

    nobody have any input at all? Bummer :(
  7. weezy6902

    output results of "RM" command

    Hey guys I have a script i want to use but it doesnt allow me to output the results of the RM command i have in here. Someone, anyone know how to output these results if the folder was not found or successfully deleted? Thanks much for input!!! 'nsf search and destroy and folder remove Dim...
  8. weezy6902

    NTBackup 2003 no admin shares eeek!

    OK guys I did a search and found this subject thread931-676726 which talks about the NTBackup utility on server 1003 not being able to see admin shares within the GUI. I also read that the bks can be manually edited to allow admin shares to be backed up on certain machines within your network...
  9. weezy6902

    Output results to txt file help

    whoa i got it another way but thanks for the reply!!!
  10. weezy6902

    Output results to txt file help

    i have a peice of code i hamburgered together from here and there. I am no code writer but i am trying to pick it up but for now its duct tape and coathangers for me.... I am trying to output the results of the del command im issuing so that i can end up with a report of what was deleted/not...
  11. weezy6902

    Anyone in here troubleshoot the NETDOM command tool?

    works like a charm now. thanks for your help, and sorry bout the repost.. i thought i didnt put it in the right area. Have a good one!
  12. weezy6902

    Anyone in here troubleshoot the NETDOM command tool?

    I am having no uck getting any responses on my issue so im posting in here in the hopes of possibly someone seeing my thread and giving a little insight. I haqve tested the pc and port 135 is open and i can remotely manage it but the netdom command remotely gives a "rpc server not available"...
  13. weezy6902

    "NET DOM REMOVE" cant get it to work grrr!!!

    nobody have any ideas on it? im really buggin my mind on this :(
  14. weezy6902

    "NET DOM REMOVE" cant get it to work grrr!!!

    Hey guys, I am setting up a script to remove a bunch of clients from the domain and am using the NET DOM command line tool but i keep getting "rpc server not available" when running this remotely on a test machine. heres what i got: C:\>NETDOM REMOVE "testpc/Domain:domain /UserD:administrator...
  15. weezy6902

    works on windows 2000 workstation but not on Windows XP

    windowsxp doesnt use "winnt" as the system folder isnt it "windows" so you want %system% or something like that? Ben
  16. weezy6902

    Want dig up old bones (delete local profiles)

    Hey guys, I am no programming wiz and just scrape by with the help of ole google and cut n paste so bear with me... I found this thread t"hread329-914916" which talks about deleting profiles on a local computer but notice the user was having problems with using it as im sure the problem was it...
  17. weezy6902

    Active Directory Integrated Home Directories Help...

    soundes like alot of overhead which should be able to be avoided. I used a script to fix the permissions by taking away all the "take ownership" rights users ahve on their own directories. right now it works cool but it would be nice if microsoft allowed you to administrate this setting out of...
  18. weezy6902

    Active Directory Integrated Home Directories Help...

    Hey guys/gals, I am using the active directory home directories tab in their profile to create user home directories and i would like to configure it to create the directories with different permissions than admin full user full.. I want to configure it to admin full and the user modify...
  19. weezy6902

    performance alerts question

    Diskpart what you were recommending? If so its just not going to work because it has to be run locally. I cannot use rcmd either and i cannot have it trigger a bat like the "logs and alerts" allows in the w2k3 and w2k... Im really looking for sdome way to monitor for a broken mirror and trigger...
  20. weezy6902

    performance alerts question

    Anyone have an idea on how i can use the built in performance logs and alerts report a broken mirror on my 2000 and 2003 boxes? Or any other reporting tool that can trigger my batch prog.. I want to use whats packaged into microsoft if possible. Any ideas out there? I really am looking for...

Part and Inventory Search
