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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

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  1. TempestT37

    database vs. textfile

    Can someone describe the pros and cons of using a database vs. textfile.txt for storing small bits of information like Newsletters, phone numbers, guestbook entries or page counters? Which is faster? Which one requires less server resource? TIA Michael
  2. TempestT37

    FileSystemObject close method

    The only one that need to worry about is textStreamObject, right? I hope so when I try the other two (fileObject and fso) I get errors. Michael textStreamObject.Close Set textStreamObject = Nothing 'fileObject.Close Set fileObject = Nothing fso.DeleteFile("d:\webs\cent44\data\"&...
  3. TempestT37

    FileSystemObject close method

    I keep getting “Object required” . Can you see what I am doing wrong? <% fileName = Request(&quot;fileName&quot;) Set fso = CreateObject(&quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot;) Set fileObject = fso.GetFile(&quot;d:\webs\cent44\data\&quot;& fileName &&quot;&quot;) Set textStreamObject =...
  4. TempestT37

    FileSystemObject close method

    Hello group Is there any difference between the two lines below? Which is better to use? fso.Close() Set fso = Nothing Thank Michael
  5. TempestT37

    Write to file, pull information from file

    Jeff Thank you for the neat idea. The only way I got it to work was remove the button and go to a computer that did not have Norton installed, Norton would block the script even when I disabled Norton. Michael
  6. TempestT37

    Mouse scroll (wheel) and control (ctrl)

    I will be doing some reading on this. Thanks Michael
  7. TempestT37

    Mouse scroll (wheel) and control (ctrl)

    I am using IE6 and last night I discovered something. If I hold the ctrl button and scroll my wheel mouse button the texts gets bigger or smaller. Only some web pages (Microsoft) do this or just parts of a page (this site). I don’t see anything in the code that would cause this, and I don’t know...
  8. TempestT37

    Write to file, pull information from file

    Hello Group I need a form that will reside on the client computer. This form will save a file on the client’s computer that will need to be read from later. The form will be filled out on employee’s laptops while off line. When they return to the office they will get online, login in to the...
  9. TempestT37

    How to refer to the parent frame window

    try to reload the parent page not refresh. <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> parent.name_of_middle_frame.location.href = &quot;pagename.html&quot;; </script> HTH Michael
  10. TempestT37

    Calling a &lt;!--#Include file=&quot;name.asp&quot;--&gt;. with Arguments?

    after your database INSERT, add some javascript. sounds like this is a frame page. <% recSet.CommandText =&quot;INSERT INTO customer (cusdriverVer) VALUES (?)&quot; set objparam=recSet.createparameter(, 200, , 255, cusdriverVer) recSet.parameters.append objparam recSet.execute%>...
  11. TempestT37

    Is there a way to print 2 frames of a nested frame?

    I am using this right now. It prints both frames, but each frame is on separate sheets of paper. How can I have it print both frames on one sheet of paper? TIA Michael <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> function printAll(){ parent.info.focus()...
  12. TempestT37

    Please, How Can I do for have two A hover behaviors at the &lt;body&gt;?

    You need to tell it what you what. Then you need to call it from the link. I think Netscape is case sensitive. <style> a.red { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: #990000; font-weight: bold; text-decoration:none; } a:hover.red { font-family: Arial...
  13. TempestT37

    Is there a way to print 2 frames of a nested frame?

    I have a frame page with 3 frames (top, left and a the main). In the main at times I have frame with just 2 pages (top and bottom). I want to print the nested frame as one print job; this nested frame will only be viewed in IE. Can this be done? TIA Michael
  14. TempestT37

    Acobat version On clinet Machine

    Here is a link to a page that I made. It will show if acrobat is installed and what version. You should be able to tell them to dl the new version or give them the choice to dl the new version with a little more scripting. Good luck http://centuryunited/info/helpForm.asp
  15. TempestT37

    I have a parent opening a child. I

    instead of reloading the page, reopen the page by the page name. Just a idea, and I don't know if it will work.

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