Hi there,
I've recently set up ArcServe 9 for Windows (trial version) on a Windows 2000 server running Service Pack 4. I then purchased a license and upgraded ArcServe to a fully working copy.
I run one backup job that backups up the local drives of my server to a directly connected SCSI tape...
Have just found the cause of my problem!
I had setup the hosts file on both the Legato backup server and client server to enable resolution of both systems with short/full DNS names. However, I'd got one digit incorrect in the TCP/IP address in the host file on the client server. Correcting...
Thanks for the advice.
I tried your suggestion, but am suffering the same issue.
I stopped the Networker remote service in the Services Applet on the Legato 'client' server and then ran the command you indicated.
Interestingly when I checked back (and refreshed) the services applet view, the...
Please help - I've been unable to resolve this problem despite repeated attempts!
I have Legato 6.1.3 (latest evaluation version from Legato website) configured on 2 x Windows 2000 (service pack 3) servers - one as a client the other as a backup server, with backup device connected. I...
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