Is it a text search engine? this will only give you the file name, if you have db's you can get the parameters for the rows and add to the filename
ooooooooooooooooooooooooh bugger.
Not sure if its what you mean but in default,asp or index.asp put the redirect? faling that just use meta tags to redirect you
<meta http-equiv=Refresh content="1; URL=yoururl.asp">
this will redirect in 1 second if its 10 then 10 seconds
ooooooooooooooooooooooooh bugger.
the increment you need to one = one + 1 and the objrs needs to refer to the column name ie: objrs("columnname")
ooooooooooooooooooooooooh bugger.
Thats correct Tarwn.. use selected to get all the data back
tested with this.
<form name="frmAggregate" method="post" action="confirm.asp">
<SELECT Name="LstAccounts" size=10 style="HEIGHT: 275px; WIDTH: 250px" multiple=true >
If your using quotes and you need to double up on then to produce in html.. what is your question anyhow?
"" ""
ooooooooooooooooooooooooh bugger.
Simplify the message and then try
mail.BodyFormat = 0
mail.MailFormat = 0
Other than that.. check SMTP stuff.. privilages etc
ooooooooooooooooooooooooh bugger.
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