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  1. deltarho

    Win98SE Empty Installer Keys

    Thanks for that. I use NBG Clean Registry, RegVac and RegSeeker and whichever order I use them in almost invariably the third one will find something! Each cleaner reflects the author's area of expertise and no one has written one making all others redundant. I have a reason for cleaning my...
  2. deltarho

    Win98SE Empty Installer Keys

    I am manually cleaning my registry and noticed that a very large percentage of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Components keys are empty. From what I understand of the Intaller key, a subkey in Components which was empty would be redundant. Am I safe to...
  3. deltarho

    Win98FE problem

    Thanks Matt - done it! The flicker free version, BTW, is at the address originally posted and Win95 has been removed from the scope. There are a couple of exits which do not have message boxes - they are there to avoid a crash in the event of some functions not working. They are paths not...
  4. deltarho

    Win98FE problem

    Well, I've got the answer I wanted but should mention that the flicker you may have seen was due to my taking an easy way out on the redraw - this has been attended to and I've no flicker on my system now.
  5. deltarho

    Win98FE problem

    Thanks wolluf More confirmation that my friends FE rig is suspect. <nothing happens on 95> OK - I'll have to pull 95 out of the scope for the time being. Thank you.
  6. deltarho

    Win98FE problem

    Thanks micker377 The app is API based and I'm only using 9x/Me APIs. I've had one FE user come back to me who has it up and running so it may be a problem with my friends FE rig.
  7. deltarho

    Win98FE problem

    I've just finished a small app which should work on Win9x - it will pull out on NT based systems. It is nothing fancy - it simply displays Resources, VCache stats and Swapfile info. It writes nothing to disk or the registry - it is info gatherng only. It is similar to Sysmon, being real time...
  8. deltarho

    vbscript &amp; industry standard dlls

    Thanks dilettante I'm not surprised. I've lost count the number of times that I have moved from one stepping stone to another to get at something I couldn't do on the 'old' stone only to find that the 'new' stone will not do some things that I took for granted on the 'old' stone.
  9. deltarho

    vbscript &amp; industry standard dlls

    I have created a dll via PowerBasic which is easily implemeted via a Declaration in the 'calling program'. I have a feeling this not possible but will ask anyway. Is it possible to implement such a dll from Vbscript?
  10. deltarho

    File Verification

    I've just finished a small project which in principle is similar to the System File Checker. Instead of using CRC32, as does SFC, I've implemented the MD5 hashing algorithm to create a signature for a pre-defined list of files. The file paths and signatures are held in the registry and on a...
  11. deltarho

    Msgsrv32 problem

    Don't forget that system.ini and win.ini are backed up along with the registry in the rb0nn.cab files. You may get to the desktop with a simple 'scanreg /restore'.
  12. deltarho

    Msgsrv32 problem

    Never allow Scandisk to automatically fix anything; otherwise most of the time you will get away with it - when you don't you'll probably lose everything. Lost count on the number of folks who have lost everything. What does Scandisk.log have to say for itself?
  13. deltarho

    Context menu icon

    I've introduced this into my Win98SE reg and it works fine. [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\AttribTree] @=&quot;Set attributes within %1&quot; [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\AttribTree\command] @=&quot;wscript.exe e:\\scripts\\attribtree\\AttribTree.vbs \&quot;%L\&quot;&quot; Is it...
  14. deltarho

    speed up batch processing of files

    If 99% of a program's time is spent on disc access the speed of the implemented code will be academic. If the code ran at light speed you'll never get below that 99%.
  15. deltarho

    Notepad problem

    I doubt that Notepad got currupted during the crash - it was probably Notepad that caused the crash. Before doing anything I'd be inclined to run Scandisk in DOS and notlet it repair anything automatically.
  16. deltarho

    WSH in Win95?

    It shipped with Win98 and is at its last version 5.6, no more updates other than critical will now be undertaken. Aircon's link provides the whole shooting match, host plus JS and VBS and will work with Win95. The early updates to that which shipped with Win98 were a bit fiddly but this last...
  17. deltarho

    How can I make a Hn begin with an o

    Thanks Jakob. I use Textpad which has many syntax files including html. I've been using it for years but it is shareware. It looks like ':before' and ':after' has not been implemented in the IE html parser. It doesn't even appear to have been implemented in Firebird either. Pity, as I cam...
  18. deltarho

    How can I make a Hn begin with an o

    Thanks Jakob and dolphyn What I was doing was pasting quotes from several sources including email and reconfigured H6 in OE6 so that they all rendered with the same font-family and so on. Just dropping the cursor into the text followed by Format>Style>Heading 6 worked a treat. Being bone idle I...
  19. deltarho

    How can I make a Hn begin with an o

    How can I make a Hn begin with an open quote and end with a close quote?
  20. deltarho

    startup freeze

    &quot;Is it supposed to do the same thing every time.&quot; In theory, yes, but in practice no. If we examined the sequence of every machine code intruction executed by the CPU from boot up to desktop I doubt we'd ever see the same sequence again given the same initial conditions. The...

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