Hi docotor
thanks for the response and thoughts.. I did figure out what the issue was. Also i did do exactly as you suggested with a rows and id parameters to allow the users to specify exactly how many rows they wanted, and which record to restart with
The big issue was i was trying to return...
Beware of static modules and functions.
They are use shared data space and one call can corrupt another call.
Best to just create a folder in your project and add public classes to it.
each method would also need to be public.
Once you have done that,
1. create an instance of the class
2. call...
I have a query that returns a large amount of JSON data via SQLs FOR JSON clause.
The dataset is around 6 million rows being squeezed into a single column/row of JSON data.
My problem is trying to read that efficiently in a C# based Restful webservice.
Currently I am returning it into a...
what do you do get in the variable data when you place a break point on the line that gets the success side of the query? are you getting json? or is it a string of json that needs to be turned back into an object?
does data have a data collection?
I would expect some time in the developer...
im not sure this is the correct answer, but it seems you are trying to generate a sql statement dynamically that joins two tables.
e.g. query = string.Format("select from table {0} inner join table{1} where", tableName);
one part of your issue might be that you seem to be using the where clause...
I suspect your issue is you are using the view in an application and want it to lock that record if a users is reviewing it. Is that correct?
If so you would need to start a transaction in your application. Not the view.
Assuming the access db is on the sql server system you could probably build a macro in Access that generated the report and sent it somewhere then call that macro externally as is shown here.. add to a vbs script and execute that via xpcmdshell.
Sub RunAccessMacro()
Ok.. the link is really just to set up what PORT is open on that server to communicate over. IE all clients (applications) by default try to connect to sql on port 1433. However as this is a known port that all hackers are aware of, having port 1433 open on a public network can be a serious...
I think you need to convert the bytearray into a string first
this function may be what you need
Function Byte2String(s)
Dim i
For i = 1 to LenB(s)
Byte2String = Byte2String & CHR(AscB(MidB(s,i,1)))
End Function
pass the byte array into the function and then read the...
Im not sure if this is what you need, but there are system tables in SQL that can provide this info.
select name, colid from syscolumns where id = object_id('YOUR VIEW NAME') order by colid
Provides you a list of column names in the order they are defined.
How big is the page? can you send a snip of where the date is being used?
Or the method/function that does the update?
(I have not used frontpage in years, but am familiar with asp)
my gut says you just need to use the (and i'm assuming vb) function =now() somewhere.
So part of the key is the users login.. user accounts and roles only exist inside a single db. (unless you created them exactly the same way in other dbs.. )
i.e. if you added them to the database as you were creating the login they will probably have exactly the same name. Adding a user or a...
I would probably opt for spawing a thread.. either a background worker or a new thread.. My feeling is a background worker may be better than going for the raw thread class as synchronizing the results of its work is much easier, especially if there is a chance that you may have more than one...
Ok.. So..
first the drop down list in Access works differently than an HTML drop down list.
Selecting text if the word starts with f and is the third entry in a web page, the user needs to press f 3 times to get to it. In access you start typing the word.. e.g. frozen peas as the third entry...
SELECT l.name
FROM sys.sysprocesses p JOIN [YOURDATABASENAME]..sysusers u ON p.uid=u.uid left outer
JOIN master..syslogins l ON u.sid=l.sid
and len(l.sid)>16
and l.status!=10
--(sid's that reference domain logins are over 16 in length.. 16 is a sql...
currently I am working on a website that only allows authenticated users to browse. Authentication is being done via Forms Authentication/CommerceServer .
There is a desirement to allow our members to authenticate with facebook, but to have that account linked internally to our current...
If my webserver allows traffic on TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 and a user connects using a browser that has TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 enabled, what protocol will the connection use? 1.0 or 1.2?
Thanks in advance
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