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  • Users: moro2003
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  1. moro2003

    Problem with Automatic Updates

    Thanks linney problem with Windows Installer 3.1 sorted. After that, 34 Crytical Updates dowloded and installed successfuly.
  2. moro2003

    Problem with Automatic Updates

    After PC crash and System repair by Recovery Console ( Sytem 32 \config\SYSTEM was demeged) now I have a problem with Automatic Updates. Windows Installer 3.1 after download from the Windows Update ,can not be installed.I receive a message "Error number: 0x8DDD0007" The small yellow...
  3. moro2003

    Error COM+

    I am waiting from 30/9 to have some answer, but unfortuanetelly no reply. Please once again help me to fix this. I suppose that this "fwdrv" should be something in connection with firewall driver- maybe fron Kerio firewall which i have uninstalled.Other one I have no idea what is. Searched in...
  4. moro2003

    Error COM+

    Event Viewer/Applications, showing an error COM+ Source COM+ Category (98) Event ID 4691 Please advice how to fix this error. In the same time Event Viewer/System showing two errors: 1/ in Source Service Control Manager Category:None Event ID : 7026 boot-start of system-start driver(s)...
  5. moro2003

    Problems with Outlook Express

    @linney, As usual corrupted Registry caused this problem. Registry BackUp was my last chance and OE was fixed after I do it. Thanks again for your assistance.
  6. moro2003

    Problems with Outlook Express

    Sorry linney, forgot to mention that when try to send an e-mail, besides impossibility to type something and to attach enything, after puting adress and subject,when press "Send" receiving : "This message has not completed downloading.It cannot be saved until download is complete"
  7. moro2003

    Problems with Outlook Express

    Step1 and 2 done ,but stil displays blank white pages. No error mesages or similar. Guess not deserves to reinstall all, according to step 3.What's your opinion.
  8. moro2003

    Problems with Outlook Express

    Thanks linney , I'll try steps 1 and 2 and shall report result. If faled probably will stop using Outlook Express, stil remain Microsoft Outlook and Yahoo
  9. moro2003

    Problems with Outlook Express

    Nothing, all remains as before. Meanwhile try with OE Recovery apps but the text windows remain empty. Run also sfc /scannow -nothing happends. OE folder is located in C:\Documents and Settings\my name\Local Settings\Applications\Identities Realy "nice" puzzle. Very strange , this is the first...
  10. moro2003

    Problems with Outlook Express

    Today when try to open and read received mesages in my OE Inbox opened window was empty. Try also with old mesges and archived post , but result is equal. Try to send new mesage , insertad adress wher to send , try to atach a file, but feiled. Also noticed that is not possible to type any text...
  11. moro2003

    Unable to install update

    Sorted , downloaded patch from the net and then installed using Windows installer Wizard
  12. moro2003

    Unable to install update

    When try to install update for: "Security Update for JView Profiler (KB903235)" received a message: "Updates were unable to be successfully installed" In Event vuewer under System there is Error ID: 20 Searched MS knowladge bases - found nothing how to solve this problem. This is the firs time...
  13. moro2003

    Additiona l Firewall -yes or not

    Thanks guyz for replies. @rvguy, what you suggest for the first defence.As I told i used ZA Firewall , but with the last experince I have with this app , don't like to use it anymore.
  14. moro2003

    Additiona l Firewall -yes or not

    Thanks Greg for advice. Sorry I was unprecise about "additionall" firewall-my idea was to desable Windows Firwall and install another one, but if Windows Firewall is doing well for you, then I'll follow you.
  15. moro2003

    Additiona l Firewall -yes or not

    After recent problems with ZA Firewall please advice re installing adiitional Firewall App besides Windows Firewall already running on the system. I have all Windows Update patches instaled on my XP SP-2. Thanks,
  16. moro2003

    Problem to uninstall applications

    Finally I've succseed to solve problem of removal a/m problematic entries from my Registry.As I mentioned befor one of my installed apps was Ad-Aware with Ad-Watch.Don't know how ,but properly this Ad-Watch blocked registry entry removal. After deletion of whole Ad-Aware end removal of obsolete...
  17. moro2003

    Problem to uninstall applications

    @linney, Unfortunatelly all those Registry Apps in my case are useless. I was suspiciuous that remainings from Zone Labs creates this problem, but after throughout clean up following Zone Labs received instructions and removing all residues, this problem with PestPatrol and Tini Firewall in...
  18. moro2003

    Problem to uninstall applications

    This two programs are not listed in Services.In StartUp list -YES I uncheck them there but after PC starts in Selective mode and thoese two programs are checked again automatically.
  19. moro2003

    Problem to uninstall applications

    Tried all sorts of Registry Mechanic, Cleaner ,Editor, Cool ect- all of them reporting removal of obsolete entries but they appears again. Besides those two Apps are uninstalled from my PC this strings in some way are still there in the Registry. Don't know how to check whether they runn in...
  20. moro2003

    Problem to uninstall applications

    Following ZA instruction for Manual Uninstal at the end all ZA including True Vector is cleaned for ever from my comp. At this moment remains 1+3 obsolete entries in the Registry from regularelly uninstalled apps: -From Tini Firewall in HKCU/Run -one entry "AMonitor" -From Pest Patrol in...

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