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Search results for query: *

  1. PauloRico

    Invalid argument on table

    Just a note to anyone reading this thread. I had exactly the same problem a number of times and it turned out to be a Memo field in all cases. I would avoid using them if you can get away with it.
  2. PauloRico

    update new field with sequential number

    If you create the new field as an Autonumber field, Access will do this for you. Hope this helps
  3. PauloRico

    OpenForm with multiple criteria

    You need to remove the " at the end of your first criteria and remove the " after the AND for the second criteria. The AND is part if the string. The way you are using it is as a boolean operator. Hope this helps.
  4. PauloRico

    Remove decimal point if no decimal numbers

    There may be a simple answer to this but here is what I'd do. Create a global module and add the following code - Public Function GetMyFormat(dblValue as Double) as Double Dim lngValue As Long lngValue = CLng(dblValue) If (dblValue-lngValue)>0 Then...
  5. PauloRico

    one to many querys

    The only way you can achieve the results you are after is if you place a relation field between T2 and T3. You give an example of 2 records in T2 and 2 records in T3 and show your output as 1 record relating to the other. Yet you also say that there can be 5 records in one table and 3 records in...
  6. PauloRico

    Combo Box problem

    Create a Group By query. This will only select each individual value once.
  7. PauloRico

    opening ADODB recordset

    I don't know if this relates to your error, but you will need to put rs.MoveNext within your loop. Currently it is endless (rs.EOF will never occur).
  8. PauloRico

    Record Count Issue

    If you are using Access 2000, then MyRS will probably refer to an ADO Recordset. MyDB.OpenRecordset will return a DAO recordset. What you need to do is declare your recordset to be a DAO Recordset - i.e. Dim MyRS As DAO.Recordset
  9. PauloRico

    I have a text box linked to a date

    Instead of using 'If value=Null', use 'If IsNull(value)'
  10. PauloRico

    Query Multiple Fields

    Hi Kevin, Your reply highlighted what I was driving at (but, as usual, I didn't explain myself good enough). I'll have another go. You gave an example with three technicians, using three groups of fields in your table for each technician. But you stated that there could be one or five. How...
  11. PauloRico

    Query Multiple Fields

    Your table design is the problem here. When designing a table, it is best to think of it as representing a single entity. With your table, to find out how many jobs Mike has worked on, you have to analyse three seperate fields in one table. Your design should be- JobID, Tech, TechNotes...
  12. PauloRico

    Data across multiple financial years

    Place a field in your query that is made up of the following- Selection: Format([Year],"yyyy") & Format([Period],"00") Place the criteria for this field as- Between (forms!yourformname!cblyearfrom & forms!yourformname!cblperiodfrom) And...
  13. PauloRico

    Accessing parts of combobox

    Why not put a TextBox on your control that is visible only when there are no items in your combobox. The Property Get to get your value could then check the visibilty of the TextBox to determine whether to return the value from it or the combobox.
  14. PauloRico

    User-defined type error

    You need to set a reference to the DAO object library. In a code module, goto menu item Tools-->References and scroll down to the Microsoft DAO Object Library and check it. Should compile fine.
  15. PauloRico

    Undefined function 'Format' in expression

    I have had similar error messages using standard access functions. I found that this was due to a compilation error in a Module.
  16. PauloRico

    Date filter problem in Access 2002

    This should do it - Dim dtmDate as Date dtmDate=[Forms]![DirectivesForm].[cboLastDate] sCriteria = ([Date of First Issue] <= #&quot; & Format(dtmDate,&quot;mm&quot;) & &quot;/&quot; & Format(dtmDate,&quot;dd&quot;) & &quot;/&quot; & Format(dtmDate,&quot;yy&quot;) & &quot;#&quot;
  17. PauloRico

    Problem with Mail Merge

    We do what you are trying to acheive at work. I have not got the code but the theory is a little different. It may be a little easier. In Word 1. Export your query as a text file. 2. Create the mail merge document and point it to this file. 3. Create a Macro that runs the mail merge. 4. Save...
  18. PauloRico

    Incrementing a Number in Tiers

    Create a new Module and paste in the following code - Global gvarBillNumber as Variant Global glngAutoNumber as Long Public Function GetAutoNumber(BillNumber as Variant) As String If BillNumber<>gvarBillNumber Then gvarBillNumber=BillNumber glngAutoNumber=0 Else...
  19. PauloRico

    Which DB to use?

    I don't think 5MB is the limit on Access databases. We ran an Access database in a multi-user environment that was well in excess of 5MB. Also, will this database be updateable on the web, or is it read-only. Another, probably more important thing to note is that, if you are hosting the web...
  20. PauloRico

    Date filter problem in Access 2002

    This may be a problem with international settings on the computers. When you think you are selecting June 7th, Access is interpreting this as July 6th. To check if this is not correct, do you have any records beyond June 10th.

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