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Search results for query: *

  1. JeremyM

    Distributing Crystal Reports with VB 6.0

    I have a program which uses some crystal reports. I created a "TextReader" DSN to read in the data for the report. Problem is that I get a "could not logon to server" and the DSN isnt under the new CPUs DSN. Is there a special way to force the DSN to be installed that the...
  2. JeremyM

    Rotating Image/Form for Print or Printing Landscape

    It gives me an error on the print. If I dont change to landscape, it prints with no errors. If I change it to landscape, I get a run time error. The ONLY difference is the landscape. Thanks, Jeremy
  3. JeremyM

    Creating a report

    Dilbert (hehe), Try this as an example: Open INI_FILE For Input As filenum 'Set proper source and While Not EOF(filenum) Line Input #filenum, inrec inrec = UCase$(RTrim$(LTrim$(inrec))) If inrec <> &quot;[SYSTEM]&quot; And Mid(inrec, 1, 1) <> &quot;#&quot; And inrec <>...
  4. JeremyM

    Rotating Image/Form for Print or Printing Landscape

    I have a form that contains only a few images. I need to print the form as landscape or rotate it so that it &quot;seems&quot; to be landscape. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to do this?
  5. JeremyM

    How can you force Timing Out Using Stored Procedures?

    I have a stored procedure call to DB2. Sometimes it errors. I want to continue the rest of the code if it does, not crash the system. Does anyone know how to do this using VB 6.0? Or does it need to be done on the DB2 side? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jeremy Gardner Programmer...
  6. JeremyM

    Updating reports on open to reflect new data

    Help. I am currently using a txt to populate the report. The problem is sometimes it works, sometimes it gives me error. Last version ran, but the report printed the data that was old. How can I make it use the updated txt document? Here is the code I am currently using.. Public Sub...
  7. JeremyM

    Help, I am trying to use arrays or text files for input

    Help! (Please!:)) I am trying to create a new report using either an array or a text file. I have set up the new report using the data definition, now I need to get data into it. Any suggestions or places to look would be appreciated... Thanks, Jeremy
  8. JeremyM

    Wizard and problem with toolbar and menu - urgent

    Yeah. Hold shift when u open the database.
  9. JeremyM

    Import routine that only grabs new records

    The fastest way i can think of is to sort both the table (always keep sorted) and write your own insert/search command (ie. quick search). You can write the code in the module part to loop through looking for duplicates. It will be quicker than Access Queries but will still be rather tedious...
  10. JeremyM

    Import routine that only grabs new records

    The fastest way i can think of is to sort both the table (always keep sorted) and write your own insert/search command (ie. quick search). You can write the code in the module part to loop through looking for duplicates. It will be quicker than Access Queries but will still be rather tedious.
  11. JeremyM


    Its long way. But read one into an array. Then as u read in the other array compare to the current array. If not equal write into the new array (yes u need 2). Then array2 will be all that arent on the other one. Its the long way. But hope it helps. Jeremy
  12. JeremyM

    Changing Font Colors in a Report

    Hello, You must call the procedure (with the appropriate IF statements) in the FORMAT section of the code for the reports. That is the key, it MUST be in the format section. It is as easy as : (writing off top of head please confirm code in book but method is correct) If me >85 then...
  13. JeremyM

    Splash Screen ?

    Yeah u must also close the current form. You probably should call it also NOT in the load by in OnExit or something. Or on UNLOAD. That way the second form wont be called until the 1st one has loaded (and run whatever the load procedure was). Ie. Me.unload form1.show end sub Jeremy
  14. JeremyM

    TDBG Selecting Rows

    I have a project where everything works. I can load the TDBG and view it. But for some reason i cant select a row. Anyone know why? I dont want it to edit,just select the row. I will pass paramaters by (tdbg.selection). Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank, Jeremy
  15. JeremyM

    Transparent Backgrounds

    Or you could crop it in your imaging software so that there was NO background.
  16. JeremyM

    Changing Font Colors in a List box based on a value.

    That type should work. The key is where u put it. You will need to put it under the &quot;On Format&quot; section of the form I believe. This will work or it wont. I cant remember when I did it if I finally just did it on the report and not the form. But whichever I did, where I put it made the...
  17. JeremyM

    XML and VB woking together?

    I need to append a section of XML code to an existing XML document using VB. I can get everything to work EXCEPT I need to either delete the last line first or insert above the last line (which does have a unique entry in the line in case someone has an idea to search for it). Does anyone know...
  18. JeremyM

    Running a BAT from VB

    Does anyone know what command in VB allows you to run a BAT file ? I need to run a map.bat file while in vb. Thanks, Jeremy
  19. JeremyM

    Running App that opens a Password-set Access DB

    Yes. If the database is password protected, you feed it the password on the open DB command. Look for the syntax on the help file. But the second or third filed is for password when establishing a connection. Jeremy
  20. JeremyM

    combo box help

    Not knowing exaclty how you have your screen set up. If its for data entry you will probably do a &quot;On Enter&quot; set value of text box to that of the selected entry. text1.caption=lookupbox.selection (something like this). Jeremy

Part and Inventory Search
