You said Decimal / Decimal. See SQLBill's post. Maybe this will help you:
cast(0.01 as decimal) = 0
cast(0.01 as decimal(9,1)) = 0
cast(0.01 as decimal(9,2)) = 0.01
"If it works, don't fix it"
osjohnm, tell that to sp_mergesubscriptioncleanup. Always when I try to clean up my replication, it remains a lot of system tables, stored procs and views that you can't delete because they are system owned.
So, I delete them directly from sysobjects, and it works.
First set the "Allow modifications directly ..." option in SQLServer properties.
update sysobjects
set UID = a.IDNumber
from (select UID as IDNumber from sysusers where [name]='dbo') as a
where UID <> a.IDNumber
yes, of course you can write
Use AssignFile(), Rewrite(), Writeln(), CloseFile() to write information into a file. Or, if you have the information into, let's say a memo, do a memo.SaveToFile or any file function of your component.
to send a file to printer :
WinExec('copy c:\myfile.txt...
Here's an ideea to reduce risks almost to 0:
- use 2 separate servers
Let's say Server1
- set up a continuous replication between them.
- set connection to all users through TCP/IP for Server1
If your Server1 crashes, then you just...
If you are using a matrix printer, then you must want to print text. Write that text to a file, then send the file to the printer.
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