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Search results for query: *

  1. Kalisto

    ascx Controls Not Working

    Did the move the server, or just port your software to a new box? Do the Telerik controls need anything to go into the gac on the box, or a license file / special permissions? Ultimately though as JMeckley said, if you can enable some form of logging this will be easier to pin down.
  2. Kalisto

    Need Help To solve error in code

    I could be wrong, but dont you need to declare @BusinessDays as an Output Parameter in the sql ?
  3. Kalisto

    Irritating issue with Dynamically loaded controls

    c# / .Net 3.5 I have a page with a number of user controls on it. I have an issue with one that is programmatically generated. The Control is created on the Master Pages OnInit() event. When it is created it creates a number of LinkButtons. Clicking on one of these linkbuttons causes a...
  4. Kalisto

    Test/fixtures files

    It works in irb, its when I use the foo.yml file in test/fixtures for creating my unit test data it doesnt play nice.. I can get round it by adding extra code into my unit tests, but that defeats the point of unit tests / seed data :) Ah well, Ive wasted too much time on this, so Im off to...
  5. Kalisto

    callback and textbox value

    By callback I assume you mean you are using Ajax to look up and then return the match (if it exists) ? K
  6. Kalisto

    Test/fixtures files

    Curiously, using (:time) gives me a different anomally again. Time.utc(2009,"Oct",15,11,30,0).to_s(:time) yields me Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2000 Time.utc(2009,"Oct",15,11,30,0).to_s(:time) yields me Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2000 Time.utc(2009,"Oct",15,10,30,0).to_s(:time) yields me Jan 01 00:06:30...
  7. Kalisto

    Test/fixtures files

    Thanks, but that makes no difference to my test fixtures. I have experimented, and I can dode round it, but that defeats the point of having the fixtures. Being as the rest of RoR seems to be well thought out, I have to assuem Im doing something wrong. I am assuming that it is because I am...
  8. Kalisto

    Test/fixtures files

    (Using Eclipse) I have been chasing an issue round for a few hours now around one of my unit tests. If within test/fixtures I have a file foos.yml shop: openingTIme: <%= Time.utc(2009,"Oct",15,09,30,00).to_s(:db) %> It always creates an item with the correct time, but a date of...
  9. Kalisto

    Webpage redirect is not working on exceed file size error

    fletchsod, apologies, I was only trying to rule out the obvious :) From the code sample posted I wasnt able to determine if there were other redirects or not ;). what are the results of using Server.Transfer?
  10. Kalisto

    Time from database is always returned as nil

    Ok, not sure what Ive done apart from getting a clean installation and development machine, but the Time value works in my code now, so I'll put that down to an anomally, thanks for trying to help though :)
  11. Kalisto

    Execution of multiple methods on the same worker thread...

    If I understand you, why not call the worker thread asynchronously, and define a callback delegate. This will be called when the worker thread is complete, which can trigger the loading of the next document?
  12. Kalisto

    Webpage redirect is not working on exceed file size error

    So you are getting 2 different errors for the one issue? Can you identify what event causes which, I would expect an error on redirecting to cause one error consistently.. I assume that there are no other redirects after that one, or if there are that you have confirmed that the code is...
  13. Kalisto

    asp process not releasing files

    the streamwriter variable has been declared by using var (though that depends on the version of the .Net framework you are using) var is a keyword that basically tells the compiler to decide the best type to use in this instance. In a nutshell the using block will correclty close and dispose...
  14. Kalisto

    Time from database is always returned as nil

    Not been able to get onto this today, so apologies for the lack of communication. I'll fire up the dev box first thinkg tomorrow and post version numbers, table schema, and what Im doing, so hopefully you can spot the obvious mistake :)
  15. Kalisto

    Time from database is always returned as nil

    Thanks for trying to help, Im at home now, so I'll pick this up again tomorrow! But yes, its Ruby on Rails we are using, I'll confirm version number tomorrow as well :)
  16. Kalisto

    Time from database is always returned as nil

    There is nothing in the class yet, Im working through some simple tutorials of stuff, so all I have is a database table with a few records in it. and then using script/console I typed in test = TimeSample.first
  17. Kalisto

    Time from database is always returned as nil

    its of type time, some with a default value and some allowed to be null.
  18. Kalisto

    Time from database is always returned as nil

    HI. Ive got a simple MySql Table with a number of Time fields in it. Ive also created a simple class (based on ActiveRecord) that relates to that table. in console, if I look at an object of my class (i.e. foo = Class.first) I get the date/Times displayed, but not the Time fields. These all...
  19. Kalisto

    Date difference

    You also need to consider that if your server is running on a different timezone, then there will be points in the day that you will get anomalous results. You may wish to make sure that your server and application are runing the same locale settings, or make sure that all the dates are...

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