Just wondering if anyone knew of a quick way to sort columns in Excel.
I have column headings in row 1, and I want to sort the data in alphabetical order.
The long-winded way would be to copy, paste special values & transpose, then sort, then copy, paste special values transpose back...
I was messing around with Word the other day, with WOrd Art and all the effects you can assign to your text (eg. flashing text, 'blurry' effects etc.) Somehow I have set it to automatically have this effect on every worksheet I open, and I can't remember what menu I need to go in to change...
I've got a spreadsheet that I'm using to test this.
If anyone is interested, then send me your email.
I'm off home now, but I'll be checking the forum tomorrow morning.
I see what you're saying - I'd like to assume that it is 1 month between any 1 date in one month and the same date in the following month, regardless of the month being 28, 29, 30 or 31 days.
Mmmmm...I can see this becoming tricky.
You would think there would be a function that would...
Sorry, I don't think I explained too well what I needed. I'm after the difference between 2 dates, but (see above) the difference between 5 July 2002 and 25 September 2002 will be "2 months 20 days", NOT "2 months" and NOT "81 days"
I hope this makes it...
No, I have looked at this function, but that gives me the total difference in months. For example, if the start date is 14/04/02 and today is 15/04/02 (which it is!) I need the answer to be:
1 year ( this one I have worked out correctly)
0 months (this is the one I have trouble with) and
I need to get a function to produce years, months and days from a given Start Date up till Today.
Here is what I've come up with so far - the years and days arre working fine:
Years =YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR($A2)
Thanks for this - since I'm not too clued up on VBA, could you tell me where I can put this code amongst what I already have?
Here's what I have behind the button:
Private Sub Command39_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs =...
I can't find how to get my ProgressBar to work on my Access form. I want it to show the progress of the queries I have running behind a button. It's not essential, just aesthetic, so if anyone thinks it might be a struggle please let me know!
I am a VBA beginner, so any help would be...
I've had a look, but since I am no VBA pro (and that's an understatement!) it all looks a bit confusing.
I been surfing on the web, but I can't see anything I can make sense of. I think I need a step-by-step book!!
Thanks for your suggestion anyhow.
If anyone else can help...please feel free...
I need the bar to refer to a set of queries I have running behind a button, and I can't find anything to assist me with this in the 'Help'. Can anyone help me?
I have a button on a form that runs a list of queries (thanks to some help from a couple of people on here!) I'd like to display the steps of what is actually happening once the button is pressed. I'd probably call it 'Progress: ', and I'd like it to say "Running" whilst it is...
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