Hello. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I very much appreciate it.
I have a some code that scans a spread sheet that contains a lot of empty rows and copies only the rows with data to a blank sheet in the workbook. This condenses the information making it more condusive for printing...
Well, Here is what finally worked for me. Thank you both so much for your help. I couldn't have done it with out you!
'For this example the sheets in the workbook are named Sheet 1, Sheet 2, and Sheet 3.
'Sheet 3 is the sheet all sheets will select and the sheet from which we will return...
Hey Mr. Jedi!
You guys never cease to amaze me with how quickly you respond! I hope you know how much all us little guys appreciate it.
That does look like it will do the trick. Nice and simple too. Is there a FIND\REPLACE in the VBE to run through all my code and do the typing for me or am I...
Thank you for taking the time to help.
I would like to password protect the sheets in an application that I have made but, this causes the macro code to fail at:
Is there a way to put the password in the code so that the code can continue to be executed...
Thank you Tony and PHV,
PHV, the line returned the address in columns only like this: $A:$EE
It did not then resize the scroll bar. I will continue to experiment with simmilar code in the future.
When I formatted the columns I highlighted the column headder which caused the format to extend...
The verticle scroll bar is currently scrolling to the bottom of the worksheet(65,000+). There is nothing beyond row 2500 and I have the scroll area set to stop at that point.
I would like to reset the verticle scroll bar so that it is at the bottom of it's scroll at row 2500. Is there a...
Dear Skip,
I was unsuccessful in implementing your code into my application. It is probably just me but, if you have a moment I would like to clarify my question.
Say there are 3 worksheets in a workbook. The sheets are named A, B, & C. If I locate the help screen on the sheet named C, will...
Thank you for your response, I really appreciate it.
I am planning a separate sheet as a help screen for the Excel App. I am making but, it is important that I return the user to the same sheet they were on last when they leave it. Any way to do this with code? I will be greatfull for...
Thanks for your response, if possible.
I really need to prevent users of my Excel Application from switching between Sheets using Ctrl+Page Up & Ctrl+Page Down. I really prey someone can help! Thanks.
Hello, Thanks for helping me out. I really appreciate it.
I am sorting a list of formulas that all have a zero value until some text is typed into the source cells. After an A to Z sort, if the list is only partially full fo text values, the zeros are all listed first and the text values are at...
Hi, and thanks for taking time to read this. I would greatly appreaciate any help you could provide.
I replaced the standard Excel Menu Bar with a new one I created. I gave the menu Bar new Menus and I gave the Menus MenuItems. But when I try to write the code to add SubMenuItems to the...
Thank you johnwn and vb5.
Now I can get the desired result. Boy am I glad I did not go through with my solution of shrinking the "VOID" button.
You're the BEST!
Hey, now that was service, 3 responses w\in 12 hrs!
Thank you so much for the code guys.
vb5prgrmr - I think because my control buttons originated from the control tool box and exist in a worksheet not a user form, that I was unable to get the button caption to change with your code. I do...
Hello, and thank you very much for takeing time to help me with this problem.
What I want to have in my application is a Command Button with more than one function. Specifically, I want to VOID a document and then be able to UN-VOID it with a second click of the same Command Button.
I tried the Ans= code and am having some success but, a list of Hyperlinks, preferably the list in the Hyperlink pop-up menu box (is this considered the inbuilt box?) is what I am really after (and all of it's interactive capability).
Again, any help will be most appreciated.
Thank you!
Dear Wendy,
On the Tools drop down, select Macro, Record New Macro. Fill in the activation letter (Ctrl a - z) give it a description in the bottom field, then press Record. At that point, any actions you make with the mouse and key board are being recorded. Clear the fiels you want cleard or if...
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