We have been using AD in both an Intranet and Extranet environment for a couple of clients. I think what needs to be determined is what you are wanting them to view. Most often it is inventory information or order information. This being the case, if you are running SQL side of Macola, not...
If you need help, then let me know. We have several clients running Citrix and Goldmine with many locations on Frame.
Don Reeves
SCSI Business Solutions, LLC
Alot has to do with which departments are going to use the product (i.e. Sales, Marketing) or whether you are going to use this as a corporate solution. You need to identify whether you are going to use the Goldmine mail client or outlook. This becomes critical for calendar manipulation. Alot...
I still have the 6.0 g/l diskettes. Give me a shout and I can see what needs to be done to get them to you.
Don Reeves
SCSI Business Solutions, LLC
Is this report you are wanting to run a Crystal report or Macola canned report. If it is a crystal report, why do you not use the event system of your server side. If you are running W2K, then you have this ability.
Don Reeves
SCSI Business Solutions, LLC
Another question is if whether you are using the Goldmine Mail Client to send these emails or the new Outlook feature found in 6.X GM. If there is no reason that you have to use Outlook to send you blast of emails, try using the Goldmine Email Client and send them out that way. This will also...
We use Goldmine for broadcast email all the time with no problems. What version are you using? Are you using the email templates? Did you create a filter for the emails or a group?
There may be another avenue for your problem. When is it that you want the Order Entry folks to be notified? Flexibility is an excellent suggestion, but will require someone to write this piece of code to get this accomplished.
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