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Search results for query: *

  1. pmessana

    Passing args with OpenArgs Issues

    Okay, that is freaky, i did a compact/repair and it works now....funky!
  2. pmessana

    Passing args with OpenArgs Issues

    The value is whatever is select on the form, I have hardcoded it to try to get it to work and then was going to replace with variable. I have had this problem before with a form, rebuilt the form and it worked, then i modified and it stopped working, makes me wonder if something is up with Access.
  3. pmessana

    Passing args with OpenArgs Issues

    I have tried that, no such luck - still NULL. I am passing the recordID so i can print the record.
  4. pmessana

    Passing args with OpenArgs Issues

    Okay, i have had this problem before. When I check the OpenArgs in the receiving form(or report) they appear to be Null. What is wrong? The code is exactly like another one that I used to open a form. Calling from CreateService form: DoCmd.OpenReport "Print", acPreview, , , , 1...
  5. pmessana

    Passing Parameter from one form to another

    Wow, not sure I followed that FAQ... I have the following: openForm "chart", , , , , , , 1 passing "1" as the argument for the chart number I want to open. What do I need in the form to reference this variable? Having a tough time thinking today...
  6. pmessana

    Passing Parameter from one form to another

    I have a form that calls another form, the first form is a selector for the type of graph to display and the second form is the actual graph itself. What I am trying to do is pass a parameter from the selection form to the graph form so that I can then choose which graph to display. I know you...
  7. pmessana

    Wildcard in If Statement

    Or you can use the Like Operator as follows This example uses the Like operator to compare a string to a pattern. Dim MyCheck MyCheck = "aBBBa" Like "a*a" ' Returns True. MyCheck = "F" Like "[A-Z]" ' Returns True. MyCheck = "F" Like...
  8. pmessana

    Access Sizing on Open

    Does anyone know how to control the size of Access when it opens. When I say the size of access, I am talking about the size of the program, not the form that I have that opens up on open. I want to size the application since my form is small and I don't really want it to take over the full...
  9. pmessana

    INSERT INTO with recordsets created in memory

    I have never created recordsets in memory, instead, I usually just use Temp Tables, they would be much easier to handle and debug anyway.
  10. pmessana

    Recordset within another

    It appears your "lIVDR" is a variable though I can't see that for sure, if that is the case, your where clause has to be written like this: "WHERE (((CCA3TSurDefIfFerme.IVDR)= " & lIVDR If that is not the case, well, someone else can surely answer your question.
  11. pmessana

    Insert statement using Docmd.RunSQL won't work

    Maybe I am missing something, but, why would you not just have your insert written like this? INSERT INTO tblCrossRef VALUES (" & nBookID & ", " & nSubjectID & ") I saw your "select" statement in your insert statement and assumed an imbedded select in an insert.
  12. pmessana

    Insert statement using Docmd.RunSQL won't work

    I have never run into that problem, but, I usually break up my select and inserts, you may want to try to do the select in a recordset and then insert inside the loop as you loop through the record set. example: -----code----- Set dbs = CurrentDb() Set rst =...
  13. pmessana

    I Need the computer name...

    Here are two fucntions, one to get all environment variables and another to just get the login ID. I got this from someone off of here so I take no credit. -------------begin code------- Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private Declare Function WNetGetUser Lib "mpr.dll&quot...
  14. pmessana

    Export "TransferText" Method Help

    Well, using the TransferText takes the data straight from the table and exports it out. I am not sure how I could incorporate the date() function. I did try to define the format type in the table but that didn't work either. Am I missing something?
  15. pmessana

    Export "TransferText" Method Help

    I am using the TransferText method to create a comma delimited file, but, I am running into a problem. Everything works great Except that the dates are showing as "01/01/2003 00:00:00". I have searched for a way to get rid of the time off the export but can't figure out if it is...
  16. pmessana

    Automating the presentation of an Excel workbook from Access

    You can use the import spreadsheet function in order to import it, there are a couple of ways, the first is just to do a standard import, the more complex allows you to define the import template. You probably can just use the generic one. ----- DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet import...
  17. pmessana

    pass through query updateable?

    Pass through queries are not updatable because they do what the name implies, the pass the query through to the database engine and expect a result, they can't update the result because that would no longer be a pass through. There is no need to use a pass through query inside Access, they...
  18. pmessana

    a very generic question

    Here is an example: -------- returnExample = Call functionExample(parameterExample) -------- In function1 you need to set the 'parameter' to what you are looking to pass back. Hope this helps.
  19. pmessana

    Windows NT "Desktop" reference

    Does anyone know how to reference the "desktop" while coding. It Windows 98 and prior it was statis 'c:\windows\desktop' but in NT and newer it is based on the user that is logged on. I am looking for a way to reference it regardless of user. Any clue? Thanks in advance!

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