I should know this but a second opinion is needed. I have a 96 station ICS at one of my offices with dual PRI's from Verizon over copper. One has 23b+d the other is 23b no d. We experienced an extended outage this week due to bad copper on the last mile and I want to split the PRI's and bring...
Yep worked like a champ. Lost the PRI's though but I switched them to T-1's then back and they came up. Also looks like PRI-A pool assignments to the sets got lost too.
Thanks for the help.
Steve Winter
T7406e is a better set but not greatest yet. Range OK unless your in a tin building. Put a BNC on one with an external 1.9g antenna and got better coverage in our football field size office. Still cuts out in the john though.
Steve Winter
Dynegy Generation
Thanks John. yes we had the option to move the service but elected not to because the LEC has so horrably screwed up this account that every 90 days we lose LD and CPID and have to fight with them to make them understand were not Illinois Power anymore, they were sold to Ameren andwe own the...
Anyone know a good (and tested) procedure for upgrading from DR 71. FC to XC 7.1 FC? I believe the last time I did an upfrade like this I backed up the system, powered off, swapped the flash card leaving the carrier in place and powered on. I don't remember if everything remained in the program...
Yes, having the telco do it would be the prefered way to handle this, HOWEVER the LEC (AT&T) is somewhat less than helpful on this respect. Soooo. I need to do it myself. Anyone else got any ideas??????
Anyone know of a way to call forward DID inbound calls to external numbers WITHOUT leavain a bunch of sets at the customers old location? I set it up in SETS>CAPABILITIES>FNA/FB and it works until I take the instrument off the port, then the port goes UNEQUIPED and the transfers stop.
Is this a global function or can music be defined (or denied) at the TN level?? Looking at the books, lokes like at the trunk level only. Anyone got a work-around????
I have a set of servers which seem to be generating checksum challanged packets and one is on Frame Relay and the rest are on MPLS. The Frame Relay server seems to communicate better with the host than the MPLS one does.
Heres the question, IS MPLS even aware of the contents of the data burden...
Correct both times. I have several vendors I can use and yes I am looking to for RTU for this system. My assumption is that the hardware and software are transferable between my companies.
I have a Opt61 we obtained from a company we purchased and need to re-register the software to my company. Anyone know how this is done and what if any charges there are associated with a change of ownership like this??
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