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Search results for query: *

  1. Gatchaman

    Deleting files

    Hey, I personally would eliminate the variable f and do the following my db contains the locations of a load of files used in my project (all files are *.dat) however i need to set it so that the user can delete the file from browser my current script will delete the db record of the file, but...
  2. Gatchaman

    Can't get append to a text file working

    Ah, ne'rmind I just realised what DreXor posted while I was writing my post. duh. This post is best viewed at 1024 x 768
  3. Gatchaman

    Can't get append to a text file working

    Yeah, I just realised that it's almost the same, I wrote that from scratch (Ignore my comment from the last post about the textstream, I forgot to re-read your code, I thought that's what you wre using). I don't know what the problem is with the original code. However, I believe your original...
  4. Gatchaman

    Can't get append to a text file working

    I just ran this and it works, it doesn't use the textstream though, let me know if it helps. Sub DumpToFile2(strOut) Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 Dim fso, f Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f =...
  5. Gatchaman

    Can't get append to a text file working

    Hey, I'm actually working on this type of thing at the moment, I can't see anything wrong at the moment really except that the line Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Should be Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") This post is best...
  6. Gatchaman

    spaces in QueryString that aren't autoconverted

    You aren't trying URLEncode on the HTML page are you? Also, you say that you're using a HTML source, so why does that mean you can't use forms ? This post is best viewed at 1024 x 768
  7. Gatchaman

    CDONTS - Invalid class string

    I've known of people downloading CDONTS for XP and it not having the cdonts.dll in it for some reason :S See if you have this : C:\windows\SYSTEM32\cdonts.dll If not, here's a link to donwload it : http://dll.yaroslavl.ru/index.php3?lng=&in_char=C then run this line : regsvr32...
  8. Gatchaman

    SQL SELECT DISTINCT returns duplicates...why???

    i'm no SQL expert, so I can't really explain it too well. But, when you do a SELECT DISTINCT in the way that you are doing it, since you are including all the other fields you are asking for ALL records where "IPAddress, LogID, Domain, Browser, WebAddress, PageLoaded, Parameters...
  9. Gatchaman

    problem with includes

    Hmm, I'm having a similar problem, is there anything that can prevent this from working (assuming spelling and file locations are correct) other than the server not supporting SSI ? This post is best viewed at 1024 x 768
  10. Gatchaman

    IIS/FSO help please

    Here's something a bit more advanced : <%@ Language=&quot;VBScript&quot; %> <html> <head> <title><%= Request.ServerVariables(&quot;SERVER_NAME&quot;) %> :: Webserver Directory Listing</title> <style type=&quot;text/css&quot;> <!-- .bodytext { font-family: Arial, Helvetica...
  11. Gatchaman

    IIS/FSO help please

    Don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I whipped this up some time ago when I was bored : <%@ Language=&quot;VBScript&quot; %> <% Sub folderDetails(folderName, indent) Dim fSystem, fObject, fFolder, fFiles, fIndent, newIndent fIndent = &quot;&quot; newIndent...
  12. Gatchaman

    Submit form field so it is added to a list on a page.

    You could also use XML. I guess I'm suggesting this cos I've been using it so much lately and have learnt to like it. It eliminates the need for a database, and in my opinion is easier than using a text file. However it still requires the use of ADO. I apologise that I can't think of any links...
  13. Gatchaman

    Unique File Names, toUpper() ?

    Doh, I use fSystem.FileExists in so many other places I don't know why I didn't think of it :( A star for you for the UCase too, I'll still need to use that. Thanks :)
  14. Gatchaman

    Unique File Names, toUpper() ?

    Hey all, I have a dilemma. I have a system the uses XML files, but, of course, no two files can have the same name. Firstly, each 'case' is given a name when it is submitted and put into a database, at this point, I don't want any cases to be submitted that have the same name as either an...
  15. Gatchaman

    HELP - Using the enter key to submit a form

    Hmm, I'd have to look into that one about further, or maybe someone else could help. Seems that it if you have focus on a combo/select box, when you hit enter it wont submit (just tested it myself.). No probs helping you, but I'm sorry I can't help with the next bit :(
  16. Gatchaman

    HELP - Using the enter key to submit a form

    oops, tried to use bold in a code tag. ignore the and
  17. Gatchaman

    HELP - Using the enter key to submit a form

    I guess you could have something like this: <form id=&quot;frmHouseHold&quot; name=&quot;frmHouseHold&quot; method=&quot;post&quot; onSubmit=&quot;fSubmit&quot;> Then, to have an image for submission: <input type=&quot;image&quot; value=&quot;Submit&quot; src=&quot;imagePath&quot;> Let me...
  18. Gatchaman

    Forms with 'multipart/form-data' &amp; Request.Form

    Well, thanks Genimuse, I never knew how to iterate through that, I've tested it seperately, and it works great, answered both my questions (about the iteration and the dumping). But, unfortunately, it didn't work. I couldn't find the doc for the ASP uploader, but I tried it's method of getting...
  19. Gatchaman

    Forms with 'multipart/form-data' &amp; Request.Form

    Thanks phuctran, I will look into that right now, i was just thinking that I would have to use the method for the uploader in all the other pages. i'm not sure if we have the manual or documentation anymore, it's just an ASP page with classes in VB, not COM. I'll have to download it agian and...
  20. Gatchaman

    Forms with 'multipart/form-data' &amp; Request.Form

    Thanks for your quick response Genimuse, I've tried Request() instead of Request.Form(), but to no avail. I was wondering, how do you iterate through the collection. Also, on another note, is there any quick command you can use in ASP that does a dump (and writes it) off all the data posted to...

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