i added a checkbox to a grid that contains a cursor of a remote sql datasource. i add the column and checkbox at run time. the column and the checkbox it contains has no control source. i set sparse to false so there is a checkbox on every row. the purpose of the checkbox is to mark each record...
Thanks for all your help,
unfortunately, i couldn't get the solutions offered to work. But, after many tries, i did get it to work. i set the first form to 'modeless'and the second form to 'modal'( designed in VFP 3.0 app)
again thanks for the help,
Matthew Kraus
Thanks for your response. I have investigated those possible causes. I searched all my code for '.Closable' and '_SCREEN.Closable' and there were no other occurrences. I then put '_SCREEN.Closable = .T.' in both forms' Deactivate and Activate events and it makes no difference. As far as i...
This topic has been addressed before, but no solution that has been suggested has worked. maybe, because the description of the problem has not been adequate. i have one app developed with VFP 3.0b and another with VFP 6.0. In both apps i use an "ON SHUTDOWN" command to use the "X" button on the...
i have vfp 6.0 on a ME machine. have most recent service pack
i'm trying to use a temporary dbf with cdx and fpt files. the dbf is copied from the server (mapped drive) to the local hard drive using the 'copy file' command. the user makes changes to the table and upon exit the dbf (with the cdx...
i'm running a batch file from one of my forms. how do i stop the dos window from appearing when the batch file runs?
after the batch file runs the graphics on my form shifts down about a half inche - hiding the bottom of my form.
i know there was a fix for it in the microsoft knowledge database, but now i can't find it.when i ran into this problem before i had to delete some odbc drivers from the control panel (odbc drivers icon). i can't use version eight because my production software was written on 3.0. i've tried to...
this is a different computer (the computer i installed the applications to, not my design computer). the previous thread was in reference to my design computer. to fix that problem i just reinstalled the VFP 6.0 operating system.
i have two of my own database applications running on the same computer. (2.6 GHZ 128 RAM, windows XP) one application is a VFP 3.0 app and the second is a VFP 6.0 app.
the VFP 3.0 app is corrupting several table's memo files on shut down (of my app). when the app is started again it asks to...
to rgbean -
windows Me, 159 MB RAM, table file in data environment
is accessed through a mapped network drive,this problem surfaced after at least 2 years in which there was no problem, i've never installed a service pack, and it was a new install
to DSummZZZ
it happens while accessing a...
i use VFP 6.0
sometimes when i dbl click the "click event" in the properties dialog box i get this message:
'Fatal Error:Exception code=C0000005'
then foxpro shuts totally down
please help
thank you
i have multiple fields on a pageframe.
i need to know the best way keep the user
from leaving a field when the user has entered
an error in data.
i've tried 'this.setfocus' in the field's valid and
lostfocus events, but i can't prevent the cursor from
leaving the field.
thank you,
matt kraus
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