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Search results for query: *

  1. Raven078

    Sending Text to another app using wm_paste

    Maybe u should try different coordinates, or you can try to get the handle of the focussed childwindow. But if you know the handle or classname of the editfield already you can setfocus to them. (and then you can use the WM_SetText message)
  2. Raven078

    About the window handle

    Do you mean all aplications or all processes? For all applications I did it like this: function EnumWindowsProc(Handle: HWND;param: LPARAM): LongBool; stdcall; var Buffer: array[0..1024] of Char; begin Result:=True; if GetWindowLong(Handle,GWL_STYLE) AND WS_VISIBLE=0 then Exit...
  3. Raven078

    Font color

    I did it like this: procedure SetREBackColor(RE: TRichEdit; Color: TColor); var CharFormat2: TCharFormat2; begin FillChar(CharFormat2, SizeOf(CharFormat2), 0); CharFormat2.cbSize := SizeOf(TCharFormat2); CharFormat2.dwMask := CFM_BACKCOLOR; CharFormat2.crBackColor := Color...
  4. Raven078

    Font color

    I dont want to change the complete background of the edit field. Only the backgroundcolor behind one or more letters.
  5. Raven078

    Font color

    I want to change the font Fore- AND Back-groundcolor of an editable field. I tried it with an standard edit field and a richeditfield, but i can only find how to change the Foreground color. Does anybody have an idea how to do this?
  6. Raven078

    External edit field

    This doesn't work either, I guess I pressed CTRL-C myself before using my program.
  7. Raven078

    External edit field

    Since I can't find a way to read and write the external editfield directly, I decided to use the clipboard as an interface between the external and mine program. I copy selected text to the clipboard into my program by simulating the CTRL-C keypress. Maybe there another (better) way for doing...
  8. Raven078

    External edit field

    One program exist already and can't be modified, the other has to be some kind of add-on. So your solution doesn't work. Thx anyway.
  9. Raven078

    External edit field

    Is it possible to get the text from an editfield of an external program, change the string and place it back to that editfield?
  10. Raven078

    How to make a round form?

    procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var CLFRgn: HRgn; const Size = 300; begin Self.Width := Size; Self.Height := Size; CLFRgn := CreateEllipticRgn(0,0,Self.Width,Self.Height); SetWindowRgn(Self.Handle,CLFRgn,True); end;
  11. Raven078


    It works when you use: if GetKeyState(VK_NumLock) <> 0 then //numlock not off?? begin //press numlock keybd_event(VK_NumLock, $45, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY, 0); //release numlock keybd_event(VK_NumLock, $45, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY or KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); end;
  12. Raven078


    I have tried that already, but I have the same problem. I also found a component &quot;keyled&quot; which (re)sets num-, caps- & scroll-lock, but then my application resets numlock only when my application is the active window. Also when the mousecursor is on top of my application it switches...
  13. Raven078

    Disable Keyboard under W2K

    Button1 on Form1 - disable mouse and keyboard for 5 seconds: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ; function FuncAvail (_dllname, _funcname: string; var _p: pointer): boolean; var _lib: tHandle; begin Result := false; _p := NIL; if...
  14. Raven078


    I want to disable the Numlock key with a delphi application. I have tried the keyboardstate statements, but I can't get it to work. Does anyone know a way to do this or how to use the keyboardstate things?
  15. Raven078

    messagedialog at a different way?

    I've got it...Thanks!
  16. Raven078

    messagedialog at a different way?

    Instead of everything going italic, i ment: I already thought so, but is there anyway to do this automaticly instead of creating them all? (like dlg[i] or something)
  17. Raven078

    messagedialog at a different way?

    I already thought so, but is there anyway to do this automaticly instead of creating them all? (like dlg[i] or something) I already did this. I ment...When I only use one dialog that popped up more then once, how does the mainform know wich one sended a result, but that doesn't matter since...
  18. Raven078

    messagedialog at a different way?

    Now the tricky part of the problem: I have more than one button that shows a dialog. Can I use the form &quot;dlg&quot; more than once at the same time? When I twice press a button that shows a dialog, I'll get a dialog twice, but for some reason the procedures YesClick and NoClick don't run...
  19. Raven078

    messagedialog at a different way?

    I have tried to use the createmessagedialog function, like your example above, but I can't get any result out of the buttons.
  20. Raven078

    messagedialog at a different way?

    Hello, We want to make use of a dialogwindow like messagedlg, but it is not supposed to disable the mainform. Any idea how we can do this?

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