Did you find a fix for this problem? I am running into the same problem. I ended up modifying the ECF file and got it to add in the AddIn Manager but the feature is still not in the drop down.
I'm not loosing any data. The problem is is when I move the chemical name from one list box to the other, the comma makes the second list box think its receiving two values instead of one. For example:
List Box A - 1,10 Dimetholone
List Box B - 1
10 Dimentholane
I am attempting to move a value in one list box to another. The problem is is that the value contains a comma in it. It's a chemical database so removing the comma is out of the question. Any suggestions?
The table is pretty simple. The fields are Name, Date, Idea 1,2,3, and 4. I want to setup a form that allows the end user to select the user and then select which record he wants. I figured the best way to choose the specific record was by date since the Idea fields are longs. After they...
So here is what I have. I setup a cbo that lists all the users and then a lbo that will be populated by dates.
How should the query be setup? I setup two because when I Grouped the users I had multiple entries because of multiple dates. Then I setup another that looked for the cbo on the...
First, I appreciate your help.
1. Using the ID might be an option, but it will be my last.
2. When I use string I get an error. It stops on the For statement.
3. lstCompoundAdd is the second listbox.
Column Count is set to 1. This is the code I used:
Private Sub cmdAdd1_Click()
Dim itm As Variant
For itm = 0 To lstCompound.ListCount - 1
If lstCompound.Selected(itm) Then
lstCompoundAdd.AddItem lstCompound.ItemData(itm)
End If
Next itm
End Sub
Do this...
I am building a reports form that needs to move data from one list box to another for reporting. The problem is is that it is a chemical database and some of the compounds have commas in there names. For example, 1,3 diaminopropane.
When I try to move the data, the comma separates the name into...
Is this possible? The data is fairly simple, A(compound) and B(compound) equal X(Value). I would like to have a query/report that would have all the A's on the X axis and the B's on the Y's axis ALONG with sum, avg, and stdev.
| A | B |...
That's not it. The problem is that it is always asking for the [Start] and [End] dates. It seems to me that it's not recognizing the value in the frame.
Why does this not work? I have a form the has two option/radio buttons, one Yes(optYes) and one No(optNo), in the same frame (fraDate). If No is selected I would like all values returned. If Yes is selected I would like to use the Between statement to input parameters. Here is what I have...
Why doesn't this work;
IIf([Forms]![frmAdvQry]![fraDate]='2',[tblNotebook_Sub]![Date],[Forms]![frmAdvQry]![fraDate]='1' Between [Start Date] And [End Date])
I setup a form with a frame (fraDate) and two option buttons inside it (optYes and optNo). I would like for the end user to be able to...
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