SwampBoogie... I have it figured it out with your help; thank you very much!
Here is my finished WORKING query in case anyone references this thread:
SELECT TrailerNumber.*, [IncomingTrailers].[ID], [IncomingTrailers].[TrailerNo]
FROM TrailerNumber, IncomingTrailers
WHERE IncomingTrailers.ID =...
SELECT TrailerNumber.*, TrailerNumber.Number, IncomingTrailers.ID, IncomingTrailers.TrailerNo, IncomingTrailers.Number
FROM TrailerNumber, IncomingTrailers
INNER JOIN Number ON TrailerNumber.Number=IncomingTrailers.Number
WHERE (IncomingTrailers.ID)=(select max(ID) FROM ID WHERE Number =...
Thank you! Yes, I have an ID field to give each entry a unique number (timestamp).
Write this in a VBA module? I don't recognize the syntax.
What is truckPK... is that my "one-entry-per-truck" query?
Thanks again,
I cannot find anything similar in FAQs or existing threads... please point me in the right direction if I am asking a duplicate question!
I have 2 tables. One lists truck numbers (Trucks), the other has multiple entries for each truck (Truck Activity). I need to print a report showing each...
In a query I have a date column "Time Out Door"... I need to sort in the report from 7:30 AM to 7:30 AM (spans across 2 days, but we consider it one day of 3 shifts). The following will sort from 7AM to 7AM, but I do not know how to change the format to 7:30. I have tried 7.5 and...
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