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Search results for query: *

  1. angiem

    Parameter Help

    I'm new to Actuate and want to be able to allow the user to select all or an individual product from the dropdown parameter box and filter the query accordingly Any help would be appreciated Angie Angie www.millardconsulting.ca
  2. angiem

    Bookmark formatting help

    Tried that and that did not work Angie www.millardconsulting.ca
  3. angiem

    Bookmark formatting help

    First of all I insert a merge field and then place a bookmark over it Angie www.millardconsulting.ca
  4. angiem

    Bookmark formatting help

    I have a bookmark field that needs to be in currency format ie 25000 needs to be displayed as $25,000.00 I have tried {MERGEFIELD Amount \# "$,0.00; ($0.0)"} and that is not working. Any help would be appreciated Thanks Angie
  5. angiem

    Extract money ranges from string help

    I need to run an update statement to fill two new fields call minvalue and maxvalue (both floats) with values that are stored in a string field as "A $0.00 - $1000.00" So that the minvalue would be 0.00 and maxvalue would be 1000 Any help would be appreciated
  6. angiem

    Regular Express Validation Help

    I only want the users to enter A-F and ()-*/+ characters in a text box for example A-B or (A+B)-C.
  7. angiem

    Regular Express Validation Help

    I need to do a validation on a text box for the range from A to F plus characters ()-*/+ This is what I have tried function ValidFormula(obj){ var Formula = /^[a-fA-F][\-\(\)\*\/\+]$/ if (Formula.test(obj)) { alert("VALID Formula"); } else { alert("INVALID Formula"); } } Thanks in...
  8. angiem

    Export to different versions of Excel

    Hi I have used Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" to export to excel which worked ok for versions lower than 2007. Now some users are running 2007 and are receiving the error message "The file you are trying to open, is in a different format than specified by the file extension"...
  9. angiem

    How to add text under a photo

    I've added a photo using the shapes.addpicture method objWordApplication.Selection.Shapes.AddPicture(filename:=strFullName, LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True) but I want to display text aligned left underneath the photo showing the photo's name. I've tried using the insertafter and...
  10. angiem

    Need help formatting picture orientation please

    I am importing a number of photos in a word document. The photo's are a mix of portrait/landscape. I have some code to try and rotate the portrait ones but it doesn't seem to work can anyone help please. objWordApplication.Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture(filename:=strFullName...
  11. angiem

    Mapped Drive Problem

    Can you elaborate more, I've given the user full control what else do I need to do.
  12. angiem

    Mapped Drive Problem

    I've tried that to and that gave me the same error message
  13. angiem

    Mapped Drive Problem

    I had the drive mapped on the server and it still wouldn't see it. Angie www.millardconsulting.ca
  14. angiem

    Mapped Drive Problem

    Hi I have an app that opens and inserts a photo into a word template. The problem is inserting the photo the photo resides on a storage device attached to the network. I'm using a mapped drive and I get an error message saying it is not a valid file name. this is the code Dim...
  15. angiem

    [b]Add Picture problems[/b]

    Hi I have a asp.net app that opens and inserts a photo into a word template. The problem is inserting the photo if I use 'C:\sunset.jpg' this works fine but if I use a mapped drive it doesn't. I get an error message saying it is not a valid file name. this is the code Dim...
  16. angiem

    Running a query over multiple databases and across servers

    I need to run a query over multiple databases and across servers. I'm using sp_addlinkedserver and sp_addlinkedsrvlogin and the code I'm using is below currently it's only bringing back the results from the server where the query resides and not the linked server how do I tell it which server...
  17. angiem

    How to run same query on multiple databases

    I now have to do it across different servers too and changed the code it now ignores the 'if' statement and gives the error message OLE DB provider 'servername' does not contain table '"master"."tablename"' declare @cmd1 varchar(500) set @cmd1 = 'if ''?'' like ''abcd%'' Select ''?''...
  18. angiem

    How to run same query on multiple databases

    I am trying to count the records on the same table but on different databases then I want to put it in another table and read the results from there. The code I have at the moment is this declare @cmd1 varchar(500) set @cmd1 = 'if ''?'' like ''abcd%'' Select ''?'', count(*) From tablename...
  19. angiem

    Update Date/Time Field

    I need to update a date/time field with a number of hours held in another table(appconfig.apptime) I have tried this code but it errors about the other table. UPDATE customer SET appdate = dateadd(h,appconfig.apptime,getdate()) Thanks Angie
  20. angiem

    compact database and password help needed

    The SendKeys option although quick and dirty works

Part and Inventory Search
