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Search results for query: *

  1. Tony1l

    FileListBox behavior using Directory property pointed to network drive

    When I use a FileListbox set its Directory property to a network path, in IDE design the proper files are listed from my network drive but during runtime the Filelistbox defaults back to path of the exe's location. This also seems to happen with most components ie. DirectoryListBox as well. I...
  2. Tony1l

    set Image component as non-movable in IDE?

    I use Delphi ver 2007 and wanted to know if there's any way to load a VCL form with an image1 component and flag it as non-movable in the IDE or lock it down in the form while editing. I'm duplicating an existing and rather complex paper form into a program. I add nearly 92 edit & checkbox...
  3. Tony1l

    Looking for the path of current tmp doc (pre save)

    I have an existing Word doc that I use. I'll give Express VCL a shot at the task. Thanks for the tip.
  4. Tony1l

    Looking for the path of current tmp doc (pre save)

    In short I'm trying to find the changing path of the temporary MS-Word document. This is the corresponding tmp for the open-unsaved document through Delphi. Purpose: To save the user from having to save then (attach/reopen) this doc for email. Immediately upon the form completion (before...
  5. Tony1l

    keylogger hook question

    We have a dilemma at my work trying to record UPC data from order pickers while simultaneously recording them from an above camera. Many items appear the same so we also have a screen capturing device on the monitor, only the data is too small to view clearly from the recordings and is useless...
  6. Tony1l

    ADOconnection Timeout Error

    I fixed it.. I had to add ADOquery1.CommandTimout:=300; :)
  7. Tony1l

    ADOconnection Timeout Error

    I use Delphi 2007 and i'm sending a query that takes approximately 45-55 seconds for a result. I tested this with Query Analyzer. My ADO connection times out at 30 seconds which is the default setting no matter what I set the connection time out to be. Code Snipit...
  8. Tony1l

    RAD Studio 2007 IDE intermittent problems

    Your not alone I have also had exactly what could be described as intermittent problems, no show stoppers but minor bugginess. The IDE would underline unknown units which would go away after compiling, and errors during the initial IDE loading were infrequent but happened. I could still get my...
  9. Tony1l

    Missing Operator using ADO

    Its ok now the <> was the correct syntax. Thanks harebrain & whosrdaddy. You were on track and now so am i. FYI: Delphi 2007
  10. Tony1l

    Missing Operator using ADO

    LVL 1 question I have two lines of code very similar 1 works fine and later changing only the operator causes it to fail. //working sql.add('update items set cost = 5 where contract = '''''); but reverse it with ('update items set cost = 5 where contract != '''''); Syntax error (missing...
  11. Tony1l

    ADOCommand HELP!!!!

    Give this a try... ADOQuery1.SQl.Add('Insert into Listings (Title)'); ADOQuery1.SQL.Add('Values('+QuotedStr('Title Test')+')'); ADOQuery1.ExecSQL; or ADOQuery1.SQL.Add('Insert into Listings (Title)'); ADOQuery1.SQL.Add('Values (:X1)'); ADOQuery1.SQL.Params.ParamByName('X1').AsString:='Title...
  12. Tony1l

    System.ServiceProcess Missing?

    That was it. I wrote a program that kills the print spooler and now works perfectly. Thanks so much! Tony
  13. Tony1l

    System.ServiceProcess Missing?

    I'm completely new with VB2005 and this is probably obvious. I'm been learning with Visual Studio 2005 Standard and need work with the services. I've think I'm on the right path... using System.ServiceProcess But I get an error ServiceProcess is not a Class of System? Is there something I...
  14. Tony1l

    Enabling manual Copy and Paste for custom TEdit

    Have you tried adding an ActionList to the app? Actionslists will allow you to define many things including Cut/Copy/Paste. Double click the component and in the action editor create 'New Standard Action' and select TEditCopy,TEditPaste. Then on your event TNumEdit.WhenKeyDown call...
  15. Tony1l

    TQuery, counting, adding and so on

    1) Right-click Tquery and Add All Fields then do this again and select NewField give it a name ie: 'RowNumber'define it's type as an Integer and select CalcField. 2) On your TQuery add an 'OnCalcFields' Event. 3) Code something similar to this.. Tquery1.FieldByName('RowNumber').AsInteger:=i...
  16. Tony1l

    Delphi 2007 - Creating/Opening project fails

    I would try running Vista while logged in as administrator or as a user with administrative privileges. See if disabling Vista UAC control has any effect. I think you might be running without proper privileges/security permissions. Good Luck. Tony
  17. Tony1l

    TQuery, counting, adding and so on

    Try by defining a calculated field. Right Click on the Tquery component and define all your fields from the Fields Editor. When you use this you must define all fields not just new ones. Here's a loose example var VarName:=Integer; Begin...
  18. Tony1l

    Disable Calculated Fields from changing

    I solved it... I didn't want to call the OnCalcFields Event for my DataSet3. After Remarking the event it's working beautifully now. Tony
  19. Tony1l

    Disable Calculated Fields from changing

    Using a ClientDataSet I've added a calculated field and this works pretty well but only on the last record all previous calculated fields are recalculated and duplicated. I've tried redefining the field using the Fields Editor to InternalCalc but with the same results. How can I insure that...
  20. Tony1l

    Copy Records between Unlinked ClientDataSets?

    For the record there may be a better answer..I'm wanting to be a bit more efficient with system resources but used a workaround. I created a procedure to empty the duplicate datasets. for (i):=0 to (dataset2.recordcount) -1 do dataset2.delete;

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