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Search results for query: *

  1. zuglchaim

    page setup

    don't you think that this whould be a good idea for microsoft to think about
  2. zuglchaim

    exporting to word or html

    could you export report to word documet without losing objectes like lines, format ets, same question i whould like to ask about exporting to html file if there is a way, I think that if there is a way to do so it whould be the easyesed way to update news web pages
  3. zuglchaim

    page setup

    is there a option in page setup to costomize hight and width (just like it is in word)besides of what there is in drop down menu?
  4. zuglchaim

    report page setup

    is there a option in page setup to costomize hight and width (just like it is in word)besides of what there is in drop down menu? sorry for posting it here.I really need this answer
  5. zuglchaim

    page setup

    is there a option in page setup to costomize hight and width (just like it is in word)besides of what there is in drop down menu?
  6. zuglchaim

    export report

    could you export report to word documet without losing objectes like lines, format ets, same question i whould like to ask about exporting to html file if there is a way, I think that if there is a way to do so it whould be the easyesed way to update news web pages
  7. zuglchaim

    disable desing veiw

    how whould i disable "desing view" from the hole database this way, noone could mess it up?
  8. zuglchaim

    exporting reports

    is there a way to export reports into word or into html without loozing lines or different objects if there is a way,I think, then the access whould be the easyes programm to update news in your your website
  9. zuglchaim


    never mind i am using USA date format: month/date/year i fixed it in the table but forgot to fix it in that query
  10. zuglchaim


    i think in stad of message1 it has to writen sunday and so on but what i can't understend with allanon answer is that the first query gives result in "weekofmonth" column from 1 to 9 DatePart("ww",Table3.TheDate) - datepart("ww", CDate("01/" &...
  11. zuglchaim


    i have an "event" table. in this table there 2 fields field "date"- calendar for year 2003 field "event"- different events which will take plase on this date i whould like to make in report a regulore calendar with weekdays "sunday", "monday&quot...
  12. zuglchaim


    i have an "event" table. in this table there 2 fields field "date"- calendar for year 2003 field "event"- different events which will take plase on this date i whould like to make in report a regulore calendar with weekdays "sunday", "monday&quot...
  13. zuglchaim

    desimal point

    so tell me what should i use that it should not round up so i have a choice of "single" and "double" whats the best should i use for this field and by the way to learn spelling is much more borring then programming lchaim
  14. zuglchaim

    desimal point

    it's very easy i just notice that in my table the cents are rounding up to dollars on the field "pay" it heppend before and i fixed it by now i forgot how I am sure that even a begginer could help me out with this thanks
  15. zuglchaim

    date dublicated

    lchaim lchaim!!! much hatslocha to you too
  16. zuglchaim

    date dublicated

    I have 2 tables 1 has fields 1. "child ID", 2. "dates" field "dates" is a look up from different table which has 2 fields 1. "date ID" 2."dates", and field "dates" is what stored in the first table how whould i programm that child ID...
  17. zuglchaim

    dividing by zero

    thank you very much
  18. zuglchaim

    dividing by zero

    Format( Sum(([total1].[total]-[payment_history].[totalamount])/([CountPayingTimes].[CountPayingTimes]-[payment_history].[totalpayment#])),"$#,##0.00") here is my actual fields could you do the same code here please
  19. zuglchaim

    dividing by zero

    i have a query [Total]/[times paying] this will give me how much i should churge him every period of time the best way of writing it is like this [total]-[paid]/[times paying]-[times paid] the problem is when finelly he paid everything then you'll be dividing by zero, and thats returns...

Part and Inventory Search
