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Search results for query: *

  1. pelegs


    "About Uptdating the column with the current UserID whenever a row is modified how do i do that.?" If you are using a bound form, this is not very difficult. Say the column is called "UserID" and that the current UserID is in a variable strUserID. (How it gets into that...
  2. pelegs

    Create a new field from an autonumber and a text field

    Well, instead of: [type table]!typename & Format([qa table]![auto numb],"000000") I'd try: [type table]!typename & cstr([qa table![auto numb]) because cstr will always convert the number to a string, no matter how many digits. But still, your version is not causing the problem...
  3. pelegs

    Create a new field from an autonumber and a text field

    That's a good question. People who don't understand the Relational Model think they make grand Primary Keys(PK). In fact, using them as PKs breaks the model and you loose most of the advantages of having a Relational Database in the first place. OK, so Access isn't 100% relational, I know, but...
  4. pelegs


    This is not so hard. When you first create the new row, assuming you can read the UserID, just make sure you insert that value in a column in the table. Now, if you want to keep an audit trail of who made a change, then you are in a more complicated situation. Do you want to keep track of just...
  5. pelegs

    Long processing weirdness

    You should put the DoEvents in some processing loop somewhere and call it about every 100, or 200, or 500 times around. Experiment a little and see what works. What you saw is this: when Access is running a compute-intensive piece of code, it hogs all the CPU cycles it can get. The Task Manager...
  6. pelegs

    Restrict table to one record?

    Don't use a table at all. Make this information a property of the mdb. Peleg PelegNOSPAM@PStrauss.net
  7. pelegs

    How to display 2 fields from seperate records

    Only thing I would add is that instead of using DMax, write your own Select. All of the the Domain Aggregate functions are known to be terribly slow. The SQL to do it yourself is simple: Select column From table Order By column Desc and then just return the value of the column in the first row...
  8. pelegs

    Create a new field from an autonumber and a text field

    You should never depend on any particular value being in an autonum. Better to make your own numeric column, and take care of incrementing it yourself (gee, I wish Access had triggered procedures). Good advice about not storing the concatenated value. The way you are attempting to use the...
  9. pelegs

    Autonumber Values

    No one has really answered the question. You can force autonums to start wherever you want and number them sequentially from there (assuming you are not using the random option), as explained, but you can't insert a number below any one that is already there. You can't set the value of an...
  10. pelegs

    Passing Information between forms

    Comment One: In order to NOT have to count commas, you could also pass "By Name", as follows: DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:=stDocName, OpenArgs:="some string" The Intellisense reveals the exact name you need to use, and note that the delimiter is ":=", not just...
  11. pelegs

    access database documentation

    You could look into this package: http://www.fmsinc.com/. FMS is one of the premier Access tool builders. Peleg PelegNOSPAM@PStrauss.net
  12. pelegs

    Help with creating relationship - many to many

    Jeremy, You've encountered situations in which you can't get the phone, but not situations in which you can't get the address? The situation was that a name was obtained as a referral. We actually had to handle the situation where we only had a name and not much else. My contention was that...
  13. pelegs

    insert LINEFEED in MEMO

    Could be you need to reverse the order to Chr(10) & Chr(13)? Sounds like they are both getting in there, but Access is not so forgiving about which comes first, and I haven't a clue which is it supposed to be, so it is worth a try. Alternately, try this function in place of the Chr functions...
  14. pelegs

    Help with creating relationship - many to many

    JeremyNYC said: Those PKs should be autonumbers. Having significant PKs only leads to headaches. Well, then, why use a PK at all? That is not what a PK is supposed to be. They are supposed to be one or more columns from the naturally occuring data. Now, I know a lot of people don't agree with...
  15. pelegs

    Table Relationship Advice

    Use an intermediate table that maps references to citations. So, it would have rows that look like this: Ref_R1_ID, Cit_C1_ID Ref_R1_ID, Cit_C2_ID Ref_R2_ID, Cit_C3_ID Ref_R2_ID, Cit_C1_ID and so on. Now, when you delete the reference Ref_R1_ID, just delete all of the Ref_R1_ID rows. There is...
  16. pelegs

    commas in combo box problem

    I'd redesign the table. I'd split the ID into to parts, Category and Number. That's what the ID really means. If you need to display something like "f003", just paste them back together. It is usually easier to paste columns back together on-the-fly when needed than to take them apart...
  17. pelegs

    ActiveX bug - All blink in white

    I'm not all that familar with ActiveX controls, but I seem to remember that not all are created equal. Some might not be compatible with Access, and yours might be one of them. Where did the control come from? Is it touted as being Access-compatible? If so, try this. Sometimes Access gets...
  18. pelegs

    Accessing Controlprop from code

    I'd like to clear up a matter. Most properties of a control on a form are not tied to the data being displayed. On a contiuous form, it is like getting a copy of the form, over and over. When you set the properties, note there is only syntax to support changing a property for the control, and...
  19. pelegs

    print QUERY in landscape

    Interesting problem. When it didn't work, what happened? I can suggest that what you need to do is grab the RowSource of the listbox and push that into the RecordSource of the report in the report's OnOpen event. Something like: Me.RecordSource = Form_FormName!ListBoxName.RowSource You need...
  20. pelegs

    using modules in another database

    GK: It seems like you understand it pretty well. You mentioned something about some logging and errors tables. I suggested that these be put in another mdb simply because it would be easier to flush these tables periodically if they where in a separate mdb. This is also in line with the idea of...

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