The problem is that i am inheriting from the same form and so there is the same code but in all forms except this the record is still visible in the grid. Even when i exit and enter the form again the deleted record is still visible even though the frid is refreshed. I think there is some...
No nothing you told me is wrong .... that was exactly what i wanted. It worked perfectly by changing the class of the header at runtime. Thanks a lot to you all .... especially to TomasDill.
I have a grid and when i delete a record the record is still visible in the grid. Is there a property to set deleted records invisible in the grid. Surely there is because all other forms are ok but this is displaying even deleted records in the grid.
I have this form with a grid. I have set the font of the grid headers which are indexed to bold. I have a problem now. I need to pass a code in the Click of the Header so that when the user clicks on the header the table will change the index to that header. So in other words my only problem is...
Guys I need your help about this one. I need to debug a program during execution when an error pops up. I need that when an error occurs in my program a message box pops up terlling me to debug. I am using the SET STEP ON on error. But the problem is that when an error occurs and i want to debug...
I have a menu added to my project. I have created with the menu builder not with the define menu. This menu have 3 submenus. I need to have that one item of the menu will become completely invisible not disabled with (SKIP FOR = .T.)
Thanks A lot
I have a report in my application and one of my clients asked me how he can email the report to another user. How can I do this ?? The report have some graphics... colors,containers etc ... so I cannot use Print To File..
Please help it is extremely urgent
I developed an application and I want to include a screen saver in my application. Is there a way ... an api function or something to check for how long the mouse and keyboard were left inactive.
Thanks A Lot.
is there way to send the message over a network... control or activex or something where i can input the Ip of a network machine and send a message to that machine
Anyone have a clue where I can find a form or component in Foxpro where I can pass Tables and Cursors to this form and I can search on different orders.....
I am developing this type of component but I am finding some problems with the Keypress Event. I need that when I press a key the seek...
I have a problem with a form in the class. I need to extract a form from a class with all the code. I know how to add a form to a class but is it possible viceversa.Is it possible to do so.
How can I change the file attributes of a file from within my application. The file is Read-Only and I need to remove the Read-Only only a file.....
I also have another problem what Visual Fox files do I need when I install my application.
One last thing thing .... I am searching for a tool...
But that is the problem that I need some formating in the Report not just the data.
Is there a way to produce and screenshot of the Report or export the Report to some form of image like bmp,jpg,... anything
I have a report which have some cosmetics and it is important for the neatness of the report to leave the cosmetics there. But now I need to to mail the report. Is there any way of doing this from within foxpro instead of using frx2word or anything like the acrobat reader.
I inserted an object into a grid. This object is a checkbox from my class. THe problem is that the checkbox which I inserted will only get visible only when the focus is on it. And only the check box of the that row will get visible. What is the problem ...any solutions.
I set a filter on a Table. But now I have to check if there are any filtered records and I have to return a message if there are no records which passed the Filter.
I used :
SElect Tablename
If Eof()
But the program did not encountered the EOF() even though no records...
I have an application which exports the data to an excel sheet. I want to transform the cells into a Text Format. Can anyone tell how to set the Format of the excel cells from Foxpro.
Thanks a Lot.
I am trying to find the screen size. If it is (800 or 1024)
using the _Screen.width property. It works perfectly when I have the Foxpro main window opened but when I run the EXE on its own the Conditions which check the size are skipped because the _screen property is enabled by the Foxpro Main...
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