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Search results for query: *

  1. Grumbledook

    Data not copying in EXCEL

    Thanks Skip .... it's always something so simple! Have a star. Regards G.
  2. Grumbledook

    Data not copying in EXCEL

    I am trying to code in VBA a simple routine to copy selected cells in one workbook to selected cells in another. The routine is working but the copied data is displayed as #REF instead of numbers. Both Workbooks are formatted exactly the same. The Code is contained in a user form in Target...
  3. Grumbledook

    Displaying records based on list boxes

    Is the Listnames listbox MultiSelect ? Yes. Is the Lectures control holding the table field name ? Yes - you select one field from a field list in the Lectures list box Is this SQL created dynamically ? (I hope so) Yes, it is created through design query. That is what it looks like in sql...
  4. Grumbledook

    Displaying records based on list boxes

    PHV - the training table consists of the students personal details plus a check box for each of the nominated training lectures. When I say Correct records I mean that when a number of names are selected in one list box and a field checkbox selected in the second list box where the checkbox is...
  5. Grumbledook

    Displaying records based on list boxes

    I have training table which displays training lectures attended by students i.e. each subject has a check box associated with it. Problem: I want to be able to select a checkbox field from a lisbox set to list each checkbox field and display corresponding records selected in another list box...
  6. Grumbledook

    How can I log into an Access database as Administrator so I can modify

    Don't think you can do this even if you 'joined' the secured MDW. Why not just open another blank database, import all the tables, forms, queries etcetera from the original one and redesign that one? G.
  7. Grumbledook

    Help on writing expression/vb code

    Where is the user name derived from? a Table or Access built in security? G.
  8. Grumbledook

    your database is missing OWC10.DLL

    What version of Access are you using? G.
  9. Grumbledook

    your database is missing OWC10.DLL

    Missing references help: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;283115 G.
  10. Grumbledook

    Using Formulas in Access same as Excel

    Sanan, An bound text box is one bound to the data of a field from your table, an unbound box is not bound to any particular field. Text boxes can be hidden or visible by setting the visible property to yes or no. Now as far as I can see you have a table called Rectan with three fields...
  11. Grumbledook

    Literal pound sign

    BTW Chr$(35) is the ascii ref for the # character G.
  12. Grumbledook

    Literal pound sign

    Try Using: ************************************************************ Private Sub (YourTextboxname)_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Select Case KeyAscii Case 8 ' backspace/delete ' always allow this key Case 9 To 34 Case 36 To 255 Case 48 To 57 ' Asc("0") to Asc("9")...
  13. Grumbledook

    Math Functions

    It won't - you need to put the code in the After_Update event of the Score6 field... this way what happens is; The hidden box calculates on the fly the total score when you enter a number in to the Score1 thru Score6 fields as this happens the Score6 After_Update event fires, reads the value...
  14. Grumbledook

    Math Functions

    See other thread - I have posted it there http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?SQID=822514&SPID=702&page=1 G.
  15. Grumbledook

    Using Formulas in Access same as Excel

    Private Sub wside_AfterUpdate() Me.TotalScore.Locked = False Me.TotalScore = Me.Calctotscore Me.TotalScore.Locked = True End Sub Should read: Private Sub Score6_AfterUpdate() Me.TotalScore.Locked = False Me.TotalScore = Me.Calctotscore Me.TotalScore.Locked = True End Sub Sorry G.
  16. Grumbledook

    Using Formulas in Access same as Excel

    On the form: Create 7 bound text boxes bound to the Score fields Score1 Score2 Score3 Score4 Score5 Score6 TotalScore Create an Hidden unbound text box and name it Calctotscore (for instance)and set Visible Property to No (Hidden) Set the data control in this field to =[Score1] + [Score2]...
  17. Grumbledook

    Math Functions

    See this thread: http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?SQID=822514&SPID=702&page=1 And change and add the fields as relevent G.
  18. Grumbledook

    Using Formulas in Access same as Excel

    Q1 = Default values do not recognise fields so... Q2 = Use a hidden unbound text box for the calculation I.E. Table consists of three fields: Length/Width/Area (if you want fractions/decimals set these fields to Number and field size to single) On the form create the three bound text boxes...
  19. Grumbledook

    MSG box for duplicate records

    Glad to have helped. Dave
  20. Grumbledook

    Field Values- Help!

    Hmmm, I think I know what you are trying to achieve here. Try this: Private Sub CurrentlyWith_Event(Cancel As Integer) If IsNull ([ClosedDate])Then Me!CurrentlyWith = " " Else Me!CurrentlyWith = "CLOSED" End If End Sub Thus when you enter/tab into the CurrentlyWith field...

Part and Inventory Search
