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Search results for query: *

  1. rickgrimes

    Problem when trying to Dynamically update the Ribbon in 2007

    Hi to all, I have been working on upgrading an XP db to ACC2007 in which I want to use the RibbonUI. I have all the code and such completed, and it works fine except...... I have 2 LabelControls that I need to change dynamically from time to time. The Callbacks are working correct when the...
  2. rickgrimes

    Force new record in subform

    Think about on the 'Dirty' event to create a recordset clone of the subform data. Then .AddNew to it with the info you want and where you want it. Then requery the subform. Use the .NewRecord property to make sure a record is only added when the main form is creating a new record. Just a...
  3. rickgrimes

    Record count in sub forms

    Kenneth, Maybe a block if: If Dcount(...)<1 then Myfield=0 End if Rick
  4. rickgrimes

    Record count in sub forms

    Kenntha, Try the DCount function. i.e., Dcount(&quot;[Anyfield]&quot;,&quot;[QueryName_forSubform]&quot;,&quot;AnyCriteria&quot;) The AnyCriteria is optional. It will return the number of &quot;Anyfield&quot; within a table or query. I have used this many times in a textfield. Hope this...
  5. rickgrimes

    URGENT Questions - How to Put a Prefix on a DMax Number

    quest4, Ok, My solution to your problem revoles around 2 functions. I assume that the itemnumber field in the subform is a string. With that, I wrote the functions to increase either the left number or right number. Public Function IncreaseRightNumber(Optional itemnumber As String) Dim...
  6. rickgrimes

    XP Runtimes just dont work

    Tony: Thanks so MUCH! After much problems, thank you for SHARING your knowledge. Not much hair left! Maybe I can keep the rest. Rick
  7. rickgrimes

    Run-Time Error at once location; works at all others?!?!

    Nate: Check and compare the references. Maybe they have an outdated library file, or even corrupt. The fact that it is a connection error, I suspect ado? Just a thought... Good Luck
  8. rickgrimes

    Need Help. I have 2 table. 1

    gazz, The most common way is: 1. On the subform, put a unbound textbox in the footer. Have the textbox.control source: =sum(Total). 2. On the main form, add an unbound textbox, have it's control source: =[SubFormName].[Form]![FooterTextbox] This will update everytime the subform's 'total'...
  9. rickgrimes


    1318: Try, DoCmd.OpenReport &quot;rptProd_Data&quot;, acViewPreview, , &quot;[Item_Number]=&quot; & Forms!Add/Edit Product!Item_Number Couple of things: If the item_Number is a number type, then you OK. If the item_number is text, then use: DoCmd.OpenReport &quot;rptProd_Data&quot...
  10. rickgrimes

    Dlookup problem

    Since [Date]is a date field, try: If not isnull(Dlookup(&quot;[Date]&quot;,&quot;[GasFigures]&quot;,&quot;[Date]=#&quot; & Me![Text235].Value & &quot;#&quot;)) Then my .02 Good Luck.
  11. rickgrimes

    Forcing users to update fields

    Jessica, If you are using an earlier version of Access, change the Err.Number to Error, and the Err.Description to Error$. The Err object is part of DAO 3.6 Thanks for the star....now if only my boss could see me now! LOL. Thanks.
  12. rickgrimes

    New Record at top of continuous form?

    Hi, I don't think so, but just thinking about your problem, as a possible work around... What about 2 subforms? One above the other, both based on the same data, except, the top one properties are set to 'data entry' only. When the data is entered, the bottom subform get requeried! Just a...
  13. rickgrimes

    Forcing users to update fields

    Jessica, Sorry about not getting back to you sooner. OK, the beforeupdate event only runs when the data of the record is changed. Therefore, if a user just views that data, the event will not happen. But, if the user changes any data on the record, the event runs. I think the code would...
  14. rickgrimes

    Forcing users to update fields

    You are looking for the BeforeUpdate event for the form. When the user changes any data on the record, this event occurs before the changes are updated to the table. Place your code there.
  15. rickgrimes

    Need assistance with Query Forms &amp; links to reports

    Of course, Send the file to gher_rick@symet.net I would be happy to look at it for you. Regards, Rick.
  16. rickgrimes

    I'm confused w/ code - please help - not sure how to describe problem

    Place your code in the 'current event'. That is the event that fires for 'each record' of the master form.
  17. rickgrimes

    Need assistance with Query Forms &amp; links to reports

    If the Emply_ID is Long data type then, Try this syntax under the command button for the report: Docmd.OpenReport &quot;Report_Name&quot;, acViewPreview, , &quot;[Data - Basic.Emply_ID]=&quot; & Me![Data - Basic.Emply_ID] If the Emply_ID is string data type then, Docmd.OpenReport...
  18. rickgrimes

    Need assistance with Query Forms &amp; links to reports

    Try, Me![TableName.EmplyID] I have run into this before, were there were multiple field names in the underlying query. Using the syntax of the tablename.fieldname has worked for me several times. Use the syntax in the docmd.openform statement. Just a thought, is the field Emply_ID a string...
  19. rickgrimes

    Need assistance with Query Forms &amp; links to reports

    annsolomon is correct on the report button, use that and it will operate the way you want. On the query form, there are a number of ways to accomplish your search. I think the first thing is to have an idea of what kind of form you want to see. Some opt of the 1 form with 4 combo boxes. The...
  20. rickgrimes

    Problem looking up a records with a combo box?

    Hi! I HIGHLY recommend Ken's statement concerning the Names, I have cried those tears myself!!! Excellent! Rick.

Part and Inventory Search
