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  1. BTecho

    Delphi -> Builder

    Hi :) You can also use isdigit to check if the char is a number or not void __fastcall TForm1::Edit1KeyPress(TObject *Sender, char &Key) { // this will verify if the key is a digit or a backspace if(!isdigit(Key) && Key!='\b') { Key=0; Beep(); //may need to include SysUtils } }...
  2. BTecho

    Application->BringToFront ?

    Hi Sherak, Is the application running on xp? is so then MessageBoxes may sometimes be shown behing a ModalForm. You have to add a extra flag MB_TOPMOST Example, Application->MessageBox("Please Select....", "", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_TOPMOST );
  3. BTecho

    AVIs within form?

    Another step by step guide Just copy paste the one line below into NotePad. Change the filename and description if needed. AVIMovie AVI "Somefile.avi" So it goes like {descr.} {file type} {"filename"} Save the file with a .rc extention, e.g. RCfile.rc, save it in the...
  4. BTecho

    AVIs within form?

    Hi :) You can the use the TAnimate component to play Avi's embedded in the exe's resource. http://community.borland.com/article/0,1410,17366,00.html Just a small note, If you have an older version of Delphi running you would need to compile the rc into file into a res file using BRCC32.exe...
  5. BTecho

    Retrieving file name without extension

    This should do it ;) Label1->Caption = ChangeFileExt( ExtractFileName(OpenDialog1->FileName) , "");
  6. BTecho

    Change cursor when over TImage (and restore when exit TImage).

    Hi :) Just install this Delphi TImage component in C++Builder, Save the contents between =Start= and =Stop= as HighlightImage.pas file. It will add OnMouseEnter and OnMouseLeave events for the TImage =Start= unit HighlightImage; interface uses Messages, Controls, Classes, StdCtrls ,Graphics...
  7. BTecho

    Avoiding screen flicker when updating TImage

    Hi :) First try setting the Stretch property to true, if some reason your requirement is not to do so then try placing the TImage onto a TPanel, then set Panel1->DoubleBuffered=true; You could set it for the whole form Form1->DoubleBuffered=true; but rather set this for the panel only.
  8. BTecho

    Mobile Edition

    I haven't used BCB with the Mobile addon just yet but... q)what are the develop costs? a)AFAIK, there are none. It's a free addon for registered users of BCB6. You won't use to develop for pda's for the moment it will work with selected Nokia phones running the Symbian OS. See these few links...
  9. BTecho

    Does DBE really save in permanent storage?

    lastcyborg, I think your last comment is not correct. You can run a application using the BDE from the IDE. It will save the data to the tables. I have do so without any problems.
  10. BTecho

    XP / Delphi / Paradox - program just goes on task manager and sits

    Hi! You may have to set SHAREDMEMLOCATION in the BDE Adminstrator. Set it to 0x5BDE or 0x6BDE and see if that helps. You can also increase the SHAREDMEMSIZE if that alone doesn't help. Then if that too doesn't help I've read that it's also good to make sure the user has rights to the BDE...
  11. BTecho

    How do I draw on top of a TPanel ?

    Hi cppdev :-) If you plan on using this panel in many other places then sure or sharing it then sure, a component will make it easier to use.
  12. BTecho

    Does DBE really save in permanent storage?

    Hi there. You must set LocalShare to true in the BDE Administrator or call DBISaveChanges after each post and delet. Please see this FAQ for more info http://www.tek-tips.com/gfaqs.cfm/lev2/4/lev3/29/pid/101/fid/3034
  13. BTecho

    How do I draw on top of a TPanel ?

    You can access the Panel's canvas property like so, in the Form's header file declare class TPanelCanvasHack : public TPanel { public: __property Canvas; }; then in the cpp ((TPanelCanvasHack*)Panel1)->Canvas->TextOut.... Another method which I haven't tried HWND...
  14. BTecho

    Delphi XP Problem

    Hi. It's recommended to install Delphi while logged in with an Admin account. Once you've dont that you must atleast run and exit Delphi before installing any extra components. To transfer all Delphi settings from one user to another run RegEdit select the registry branch...
  15. BTecho

    Academic license - commercial apps

    Even an academic bought version of Delphi Pro ., Ent. or Studio also does not allow commercial use.
  16. BTecho

    Delphi Personal and Databases

    Hi Andy. No, not out of the box :( Delphi Personal does not support any dataset components. See these few links for some alternatives: GBase http://gbasesystem.republika.pl/indexen.htm KadaoPE http://www.torry.net/db_msother.htm
  17. BTecho

    Create a new Field in a TTable, in RUNTIME???

    Hi there. You can use SQL to add a field to an existing table. You would use the ALTER statement. There is an example in the local SQL help file LOCALSQL.HLP , you can find it somewhere in the folder ...\Common Files\Borland Shared\BDE Or you can the BDE Api function DBIDoRestructure, Example...
  18. BTecho

    Get the control name from handle

    Hi hennep. Yep you can use SendMessage to send a BM_CLICK to the button. If its a speedbutton you need to send it WM_LBUTTONDOWN and then WM_LBUTTONUP to simulate a click. To get the handle of the main window you can use FindWindow, then use FindWindowEX to get the handle of the parent window...
  19. BTecho

    "bitmap image is not valid"

    Hi You can try something like DataModule1->Table1->Append(); ((TBlobField *)DataModule1->Table1->FieldByName("image_field"))->LoadFromFile(OpenPictureDialog1->FileName); DataModule1->Table1->Post; or if it's a persistant field, like in your case then try...
  20. BTecho

    SetFocus to a particular grid column

    Hi there. You can also focus a DBGrid column by the field name. DBGrid1.SelectedField := Table1.FieldByName('Field Name'); As for question#2. I have used the Infopower package, it has a great DBGrid and great embedded controls that I even use without the DBGrid. Try the trial at...

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