How do I send to an email address that is not in our exchange server and does not have the typical syntax of an email. The address looks like this when all put together
Where 5555555555 is the fax number that Rightfax will pickup and fax the attachments too. When I...
Enkrypted thanks for the response, this was one of the first places I tried to clear it from and it didn't work. I also tried deleting the users profile completely off the machine, which did not work, the prompt never came back.
Any more ideas are appreciated.
We are using Windows XP /w SP2 and IE6. Our users connect to a proxy server in another state with one userid/password. When we set the machines up we were prompted to enter the userid/password for that proxy server and we also checked the "Remember My Password" option, so users don't have to...
Background info - I'm querying a database to get userid and IP address (scraped at login) and display it to the users in this VB application. All of it is working except the call to launch the CHF file. Below is the code for my onClick event. I can even see the CHF file launch (and see...
Not sure if this is the correct forum, but here goes... I am writing a program in vb6 to setup users on our network. I have this sub that updates the Exchange settings and it works except when setting the Distribution list (memberOf) property. I get an error of "General access denied". We are...
Thank you tsuji that is what I needed. No I don't want every user, I am just using this to disable users when they leave so I will be looking into limiting this by user id or something similar. I just needed a way to see what properties I could manipulate.
I have this small piece of code to connect to an exchange 5.5 server through LDAP:
Dim strMailBoxPath, strMailServer
Dim strNewDisplayName, objRecip, objMember
strMailServer = "server"
strMailBoxPath = "o=myO/ou=myOU/cn=Recipients"
Set objRecip = GetObject("LDAP://" & strMailServer & "/" &...
Ok taking the HREF out worked but it caused another issue. I was doing a response.redirect after the delete to request.servervariables("HTTP_REFERER"):
Select Case Request.QueryString("CMD")
Case "Delete"
intLen = Len(request.querystring("uUrl"))
intLen = intLen + 5
sRef =...
I copied your code from the post above and changed my window.location.replace to point to the correct page and it still deletes the record no matter which button I select. I am not sure what I am missing or doing wrong now. Any other ideas?
I have a delete confirmation javascript that is supposed to cancel the delete if the user chooses. It is deleting the record no matter what choice the user picks.
<script language="JavaScript">
var intAnswer;
function DeleteAccount(ID,FIRST,LAST) {
intAnswer = window.confirm("Delete...
Yeah my js skills suck that is why I use VBscript. I did what you suggested and changed it to javascript. So this is what I have now:
<script language="JavaScript">
var pageName;
function pop( pageName ) {
popup=open( "http://M4H/Sales/" + pageName, "popup"...
I have searched for this and didn't find anything real helpful. Basically I have a ASP page that just loops through a recordset and writes the row. At the end of each row is a DELETE hyperlink that pops up a message box confirming the delete (see code below). Is it possible to pass the...
Ok the script executes now but it is starting on the server not on the client. I thought ASPexec was supposed send the command back to the client. Now when I click my button pcAnywhere starts on the server desktop and open the host connection. Why is it not sending that back to the client...
I have a vbscript I run now that I can pass in the IP as an argument and it will connect to any user on the fly. It works great.
WScript.Echo "Made it to the pca.vbs"
Dim wShell, oArgs
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
Set wShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sIP = oArgs.Item(0)
sCMD =...
What I had to do was setup a user on my SQL server and set permissions for this user to run queries, update, etc. then my ADO connection strings look like this (it's an include file)
sProv = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;User ID=IE_User;Password=XXXXXXX;Initial Catalog=XXXXXXXX;Data...
I have a hyperlink on one of my pages like this:
If Request.Cookies("Groups")("DomainAdmins") = "YES" Or Request.Cookies("Groups")("Med4_ITDept") = "YES" Then
Response.Write "<li><a onClick=""Del_OnClick()"" href=""../Information_Technology/Emp_Information.asp?CMD=Delete&ID=" & sID & "&" &...
Ok guys I appreciate the replies it was a syntax error in my script I was missing ")" from my LEN statement. I am going to give each of you a star because I got some good tips too. Thanks a ton.
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