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Search results for query: *

  1. azalealee

    Generating a consecutive date for calendar report

    Description is a text field. I've created something that might work for me for the time being - the format is a bit dodgy, but at least the info is in the right places. I created a form based on table All_Dates and put a subreport into the detail that has a header for Allocated_To and the...
  2. azalealee

    Generating a consecutive date for calendar report

    I get the error message "The expression is too complex to be evaluated..." Perhaps it isn't able to find the First/Min/Max/Last of a text field? Maybe I should have mentioned that there are many Descriptions for each date and I need each of them listed. Thanks for your patience.
  3. azalealee

    Generating a consecutive date for calendar report

    Thanks. Did what you said, and it got rid of those messages. I'm now getting the message "You tried to execute a query tht doesn't include the specified expression 'Description' as part of an aggregate function." Am I able to set Description as a value in a crosstab if it isn't an...
  4. azalealee

    Generating a consecutive date for calendar report

    I tried creating a crosstab query by specifying the new table All_Dates as the rows, Allocated_To as columns and Description as values. Unfortunately I can't get the query to run because I use many Immediate If (IIf) statements in my original query. These IIf statements evaluate user selected...
  5. azalealee

    Generating a consecutive date for calendar report

    Hi I'm trying to design a calendar report for a Work Scheduling Access 97 database, but I'm having some difficulties. I would like the report to have a separtate row for each day, the name of the people doing the work as columns and the work descriptions as entries. The user inputs the date...
  6. azalealee

    SendObject problem sending reports in RTF

    No, and I wouldn't even know where to start. Could you help me try?
  7. azalealee

    SendObject problem sending reports in RTF

    Hi! I am using Access 97 with Lotus Notes R5 as my mail server. I have been trying to automate the attaching of reports in RTF for users through the SendObject method. I have the following code on the onClick event for a button: Private Sub cmdEmail_Click() Dim WorkID As String Dim...
  8. azalealee

    Send Object problem sending reports in RTF format

    Hi! I am using Access 97 with Lotus Notes R5 as my mail server. I have been trying to automate the attaching of reports in RTF for my clients through the SendObject method. I have the following code on the onClick event for a button: Private Sub cmdEmail_Click() Dim WorkID As String...
  9. azalealee

    Switchboard manager error after splitting - Access 97

    Hi. I've just split my database, with the back end residing on a shared network drive. Since I split the database, I'm not able to access the Switchboard Manager with an error message of: "The Microsoft Jet Database Engine cannot find the input table of query 'Switchboard Items'. Make...
  10. azalealee

    Actions between pop up and main forms

    I created the module, threw in the bit of code on the On Click event of the cancel button, but I added Me. Requery into the code for the Form_Activate event. Ie:If CancelIncomplete = False Then Me.opStatus = "incomplete" CancelIncomplete = True 'reset to true...
  11. azalealee

    Actions between pop up and main forms

    Thanks for your suggestions HomeAlone. 1)I tried to use Me.opStatus = "incomplete" on the cancel button for PUF_Incomplete, but the option group is in F_List_WOs - not the pop up. 2)I should have mentioned that PUF_Incomplete is an unbound form, but I'll try your suggestion by...
  12. azalealee

    Actions between pop up and main forms

    Hi there! I have a continuous form that lists work orders (F_List_WOs). This form has an option group (opStatus) for each work order record with three choices, Complete, Incomplete or Not Required. When the user selects Not Required, a pop-up form (PUF_Incomplete) opens with three command...
  13. azalealee

    Select query - recordset not updatable

    Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately the form needs to be continuous, which doesn't support sub-forms. I've come across a work around for now, but I don't know how this will affect my data integrity and relationships. I changed the Recordset Type property of my form from "Dynaset&quot...
  14. azalealee

    Select query - recordset not updatable

    Hi I have a very frustrating select query based on 3 tables. The basic content of the tables are: M_Work M_WO JT_Section_Work *Work_ID *WO_ID *Section_Work_ID Work_ID Section_ID Work_ID...
  15. azalealee

    Sorting 3 field from option group selection

    Hmmm... I did put the CStr into the code and I don't remember taking it out... But I did have a long fiddle with it... I just tried the query both ways - with and without using CStr and both ways seem to work fine. Azalea
  16. azalealee

    Sorting 3 field from option group selection

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It has finally worked! Thanks for all your efforts! Next time you're in Australia and want a taste of local hospitality, give us a call. For everyone else's info, this was the final code...
  17. azalealee

    Sorting 3 field from option group selection

    Hi Bob In table M_Policy: -Revision_Frequency_Type is a text field ie either yyyy or m -Revision_Frequency is a long-integer number eg 1,2,3,4... In table M_Revision: -Date_Revised is a date/time field eg 19/12/2002, 24/11/2001.. All 3 fields are needed to get Revision_Due_Date. Azalea
  18. azalealee

    Sorting 3 field from option group selection

    OK, I'm using the two Switch statements, but I'm still getting the same results as before - only Policy_ID is sorting. ORDER BY...
  19. azalealee

    Sorting 3 field from option group selection

    Nope, still not working. At every option group selection, only Policy_ID is sorting. Even Policy_Name doesn't sort correctly. This is the SQL I'm using: ORDER BY...
  20. azalealee

    Sorting 3 field from option group selection

    Nope sorry, hasn't made a difference. Azalea.

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