We have a LAN width ScO 5.0.6 server , Linux & win 2k
workstations. How can I print something from a SCO ( aplication ) to a printer wich is connected to a LPT P-port on a win2k workstation.
If there is some security holes with SCO VISION application ??
Thanx , Ati
There are lots of profiles & rc files:
If you are interested that .kshrc which is the run control file of Y ksh shell , was executed why
don't you put some echo " Bal bla" at the end of file
You should see when you open a...
Using telnet as root is bad from sicurity poin of view.
Your passwd is transmited over the network as clear text and
with some easy to use programm bad guys can catch YOU.
As home user on a desktop PC is OK.
In SCO OS 5.0.5 we used Alt+ -> to cicle between
different pages on the Panner, , but in 5.0.6 there is no available anymore and you should use the mouse click.
I think there is a conf file and is possible to revitalize
this keyboard combination .
Is it possible ??
Thanks , Ati
My problem is how to print the first page from N ( 100 - 200) pdf file not opening them .
Is there a utility that I could use from commnad line ??
Thanx , Ati
How can I send an "e-mail" to someone with Outlook in the same domain ( Ex.server) and when she|he open it , the mail simple desapear ( some kind of presense test ) .
Let's narrow the error :
When the installation stop I switched to 4th colsole and
there are lots of:
ERROR -3 error decompressing file c15454545 (the number has some meaning , but I have NO IDEA !!!)
I tried 3 || 4 times to install RH 8.0 on a PII PC .
Downloaded the ISO-s from ftp RedHat, checked with md5summ writen on CD_s, everyting was fine , the 1.CD booted
just fine , the mediacheck return good result , but after several frames always ended with : uncompression error end in the
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