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Search results for query: *

  1. NeoTurtle

    Tabular Format With Sums

    Thanks for the reply. I just did this in Access with a Pivot Table which will work for what I need... but I'd still like to know what the query would look like and try to do this in ASP. It's just something that I think would be nice to know how to do. I'll try to mess around with it...
  2. NeoTurtle

    Tabular Format With Sums

    Hello everyone, I am writing an ASP script to display data from our sales reps in a tabular format with sums for each item (Style) per sales rep. I've searched all over here and google'd everything... UNIONS, JOINS, PIVOTS with no luck. This is the table: Style Color SalesRep Units [CustNumb...
  3. NeoTurtle

    Parsing XML with ASP?

    I've tried looking up info and can't really seem to get a grasp on how XML works... can someone show me how to parse this into a table? ----------------------------- <character name=&quot;Alexianna Summerbreeze&quot; id=&quot;322413&quot; laston=&quot;2_Weeks&quot;> <race>Saracen</race>...
  4. NeoTurtle

    Fixing Forum Structure Help

    Hello everyone. I'm using SQL 7.0 on NT4. I made a forum that uses SELECT COUNT(*) to count the number of replies and display them. Unfortunately, I think that's slowing down the system. I made a column called &quot;Replies&quot; and now can't seem to get a script to update the Replies...
  5. NeoTurtle

    Hi everyone, I keep getting this

    Hi everyone, I keep getting this error and can't figure out what it is. I'm running WinNT SP6a with IIS 4.0. Anyone know how to solve this? Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005' [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_DBC failed Thanks in...
  6. NeoTurtle

    installed SSL and site is slow now

    Thanks for your help guys!
  7. NeoTurtle

    installed SSL and site is slow now

    Hello everyone. We're running WinNT 4.0 SP6a and IIS 4.0 with SSL. Before SSL, our site was running geat. Now that we installed SSL, it's realy, really, really slow. I just realized that I can access any part of the site with https and not just the pages I specified. I checked the entire...
  8. NeoTurtle

    Paging through RecordSets (URGENT)

    Please somebody help!! We now have 55 pages and it's increasing about 2 pages per day!
  9. NeoTurtle

    Paging through RecordSets (URGENT)

    Anyone have something more simple where I don't have to change my entire code just for this? Thanks
  10. NeoTurtle

    Paging through RecordSets (URGENT)

    Hi everyone! Please help!! The paging through records is fine, but it keeps counting through all the pages!! I want to show only 10 pages at a time. I thought i just had to change the iPageCount to 10, but that didn't work =( If iPageCurrent > 1 Then Response.Write &quot; <TD><A...
  11. NeoTurtle

    Make &quot;Surfers&quot; key in something if they select Other...

    Oops . . . I just realized the date on this post . . . better late than never . . . lol
  12. NeoTurtle

    Make &quot;Surfers&quot; key in something if they select Other...

    Let me know if this doesn't work . . . <HEAD> <STYLE type=&quot;text/css&quot;> .addons { position: relative; visibility: hidden; } </STYLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!-- var Ver4 = parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 var Nav4 = ((navigator.appName == &quot;Netscape&quot;)...
  13. NeoTurtle

    Show/Hide Input type=text when SELECT=Other

    I got it by creating 2 functions. :) <select onChange=&quot;flip('reasonBlock',this);&quot;> <select onChange=&quot;flip2('reasonBlock2',this);&quot;> <span ID=&quot;reasonBlock&quot; class=&quot;addons&quot;> <span ID=&quot;reasonBlock2&quot; class=&quot;addons&quot;>
  14. NeoTurtle

    Hi, I'm having trouble with this.

    This is great, but one little problem. I don't want the linefeed to break the line. Basically, the textarea is smaller than the display area, which is just a cell in a table with a size of 100% width, so it ends up getting cut off. Is VbCrLf for just CRs or does it include things like...
  15. NeoTurtle

    Hi, I'm having trouble with this.

    Hi, I'm having trouble with this. I'm trying to replace carrige returns with <BR> and trying to ignore automatic linebreaks from the textarea. The following code is what was already done by someone before I started working here. <%=replace(rs(&quot;content&quot;),chr(13) & chr(10), vbCrLf)%>...
  16. NeoTurtle

    Show/Hide Input type=text when SELECT=Other

    Ok . . . I've been trying to fix this for too long. It works great with just one item like that, but not with 2. I need one for State and Country. I can't seem to get it to work with Country. These are the changes I made for Country: <select onChange=&quot;flip('reasonBlock',this);&quot;>...
  17. NeoTurtle

    What does this ERROR mean????

    I'm still a newbie, but I think the problem is (in red): <% @LANGUAGE = &quot;VBScript&quot; %> <% Response.Buffer = True %> <HTML> <HEAD> </HEAD> <BODY> <% sql=&quot;select * from logins&quot; Dim RSlogin set RSlogin=server.createobject(&quot;adodb.recordset&quot;) RSlogin.open sql...
  18. NeoTurtle

    Show/Hide Input type=text when SELECT=Other

    Sorry for the late &quot;Thanks a lot!!!&quot; . . . I got busy with other parts for the site design. :-)
  19. NeoTurtle

    Show/Hide Input type=text when SELECT=Other

    Hi everyone. Can anyone tell me how I can display an input textbox when someone selects Other from a select box? Thanks in advance, -Ivan
  20. NeoTurtle

    Passing variables (URGENT)

    Thanks a lot for your help guys. I'm pretty new to ASP and I hate it sooo much. ColdFusion is so much more clear and uses less coding. I'm just going to do this: <%@ LANGUAGE=&quot;VBScript&quot; %> <!-- #include file = &quot;wli.inc&quot; --> <% SET NewID = Request.Form(&quot;LoginID&quot;)...

Part and Inventory Search
