Opened ports 50000-50100 with no effect. Here is the dialog in the FTP client from the start of the session to the time it drops the connection:
220 Welcome to Pablo's FTP Server
> USER vlaganella
< 331 Password required for vlaganella
> PASS *******************
< 230 User successfully logged...
I am operating in PASV mode. According to the manufacturer, the FTP client must be operating in a passive capacity for it to work with the built in firewall. Per your suggestion I opened ports 50000-50002 and tried using both ports 50000 and 50001 after reading the article you listed.
I'm using a D-link DI-704 router and I have isolated the problem to the firewall itself by FTPing from within the LAN. When trying to connect via the internet I can successfully initiate an FTP session and login to the ftp server. When my FTP client tries to get a directory listing, the...
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