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Search results for query: *

  • Users: DanJR
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  1. DanJR

    Entity Relationship Diagram Tool

    F.Y.I. DBDesigner4 is going to be superseded by MySQL Wokbench (http://www.mysql.com/products/tools/workbench/). It is still in alpha and buggy.
  2. DanJR

    Looking at similarity across rows

    you could use sql, e.g. something like: proc sql; create table blar as select t1.* ,case when (select count(*) from table t2 where t2.syndrome = t1.syndrome and t2.patientclass = t1.patientclass...
  3. DanJR

    Compare Large Data Sets

    you could also try set difference... proc sql; create table blar as select * from table_1 except select * from table_2; quit; and vice versa cheers, dan.
  4. DanJR

    The Conversation Thread.

    Thanks for the info Chris - i'll check it out. Cheers, Dan.
  5. DanJR

    HELP: Correlation in SAS (Beginner)

    ok, so the problem is memory not IO. i had a look at proc corr using "options fullstimer" & saw that its memory requirement seems quadratic to the number of varibles. in order to select a unique list of companyies: proc sql; create table company as select distinct permno from mydataset...
  6. DanJR

    HELP: Correlation in SAS (Beginner)

    1)how many records? how many different companies? 2)can you show us the code that you are using and tell us which bit of the code is problematic ie "too slow"? 3) are you getting any errors, if so can you show us the log. there are some things you can do to improve performance. e.g. using a...
  7. DanJR

    export to multiple excel tabs

    I'm not sure if there is a direct method, but SAS help has examples of exporting to a specific sheet and exporting based on a criteria. So, you could adapt the examples like i've done below, ie get a unique list of values that use are segmenting by (in this example its 'M' & 'F' (sex)) and store...
  8. DanJR

    HELP: Correlation in SAS (Beginner)

    i rearly use 'PROC TRANSPOSE' but did your first proc transpose work? i think you need to change it to: proc transpose data=all out=tran_all prefix=ret; by date; id permno; /* i don't think the next line is neccessary*/ /*var ret;*/ run; then change your next proc transpose to (suppress...
  9. DanJR

    HELP: Correlation in SAS (Beginner)

    yes, it should work on your data - you just need to change the variable names in the code i gave you. in my code 'stock' is the variable that uniquely identifies a company - so that is 'COMNAM' for you. I've also assumed that one record uniquely identifies one stock quote for a company on one...
  10. DanJR

    HELP: Correlation in SAS (Beginner)

    we need to know how your current data is structured. another way (as opposed to transposing) is to create a cross product of stock quotes by day then use 'PROC CORR' with a 'BY' statement to produce the correlations e.g. i assumed your data looks something like: stock date quote AAA...
  11. DanJR

    Cross Referencing Customers

    well, i got a little curious about performance so i implemented method 2) above, ie using a hash table to implement the ADT. The hash table actually stores a set of trees where each tree represents a set of equivalent customers. The performance is very much dependant on the number of customers...
  12. DanJR

    Cross Referencing Customers

    how many customers? 1) you could load your customer reference table into a hash table such that you can use (near) direct addressing instead of 'searching'. 2) implement equivalant relations (disjoint sets ADT) using hash tables. i can explain more if these methods are appropriate for you...
  13. DanJR

    The Conversation Thread.

    Hi, Im Dan from New Zealand. I've been using SAS for about 4 years - am SAS Base Certified. I am a data analysis within the injury prevention field, but i'm more of a database person. I have agricultural science, epidemiological (statistical) and computer science tertiary education. I programme...
  14. DanJR

    Converting Datasets to SPSS

    F.Y.I. i recently looked into exporting from SAS to STATA & SPSS and found that, on top of what you have already discovered with SPSS v14, SAS v9.1.3 has also added some data sources to its PROC EXPORT procedure. Have a look at the 9.1.3 SAS On-line Doc e.g. data test; a=10; b=20; output...
  15. DanJR

    Bak end security over a network

    Given your suituation requires consideration to the finer aspects of securing an MS database/app, then i recommend you purchasing: "Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security" It's very thorough, and even discusses things like setting up folder permissions such that users...
  16. DanJR

    Bak end security over a network

    you could put a password on the backup db? e.g. a 20 character password that only you know - your users won't know it. The client app will have the password in the code, but if you put the password in a module and turn the app into a mde it should be fine for in-house "security". would that be...
  17. DanJR

    Determining table relationships from client access code

    Hi John, Glade to hear the software was useful. what would also be really cool is, if the software added some functionality (e.g. as a plug-in) for infering functional dependencies in the presence of messy data. I did a google search and found this application/code. I haven't tried it though...
  18. DanJR

    Access 2000, 2007 and SQL 2000 and 2005 questions?

    some remarks about adp project support for access 2007 is mentioned in this blog. It seems that MS recommend linked tables instead(??) In terms of a developers edition, then i think you need Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) for the license to ship a run-time license. This seems to be true...
  19. DanJR

    Determining table relationships from client access code

    just to add a couple of open source tools to the list: - DBDesigner4 - DBDesigner Fork cheers, dan. PS Good luck!
  20. DanJR

    Encryption problem

    (an aside) question: How come you need to decrypt? Wouldn't you be better of using a one-way encryption algorithm - the password is validated by an exact string match on the encrypted strings ie Does the encryped user-supplied password match the stored value. cheers, dan.

Part and Inventory Search
